Help with PCT


New Member

My cycle is 250mg of sustanon every three days (583mg/week) for 12 weeks, and test p 140mg every other day for 4 weeks with the first injection two days after the last injection of sustanon.

1-12 sustanon 250mg e3d
12-16 test prop 140mg eod

Also, I would like to mention that I added oxadrolone for 4 weeks (week 9 to 12 of the cyle) to peak for a competition ( I was planning on running it for 8 but dropped it at the end of the 4th week after realising that it was not oxadrolone powder).

My planned pct is

50/50/25/25 clomid, and 40/40/20/20 nolvadex

I plan on starting it 3 days after my last prop injection.

What you think?
This is my setup for my upcoming 16week cycle pct. Hcg the last four weeks at 250 iu's eod,
100mg of clomid for 21 days
20mg nolva for 30 days
maybe a test booster for placebo
Nope. I was planning to but I was unable (as I changed cities etc). My sustanon was 100% legit, as I bought it from a pharmacy. My test prop (the one that I am running now) is UGL (Renvex lab) but I think that it is g2g as I got that tingling sensation in the balls (ahem.. maybe TMI) and slight atrophy the first day of injections (same thing happened with sustanon).
Since private labs came on board it really makes it easier to get labs without having it recorded in your medical records.

Don't know where you are located but if private labs is an option I'd jump on it for pre during and post labs if your able (future state). Making labs a habit with a sound baseline does wonders in the long run.
Since private labs came on board it really makes it easier to get labs without having it recorded in your medical records.

Don't know where you are located but if private labs is an option I'd jump on it for pre during and post labs if your able (future state). Making labs a habit with a sound baseline does wonders in the long run.

I have pre labs and baselines. I just could not run labs in the middle of the cycle as I changed cities and jobs and life was WAY too busy. I will take bloods 6 weeks post pct to evaluate my current state and depending recovery 10 weeks post pct I will jump on the next cycle (which will be again test only, as I decided that test only cycles - with maybe dbol kickstart - are suitable for my goals).
I have HCG on hand in case my recovery fails and I have to take diferrent (more aggresive) route!

Thanks for the advice guys! I really appreciate it!