help with bloods..


New Member
hey I really need some advice..I was on test e @500mg per week and on week nine got ed and low libido so got off and did a shit pct of nolva only at 40/40/20/20. (yeah I know, I have learnt) didnt run a ai and think high e maybe was the problem there but have had ed issues ever since, Im all good with some cialas btw..its been 4 months off and i had these bloods done 3 weeks ago...any help as to were to go from here? Im still getting crazy acne on my back and shoulders too so think my hormones are all over the show still!?

Asked for free test but they only did total...

prolactin -253 (range 85-400)
Estradiol-73pmol/l (0-135
fsh- 2.1ul (1-12)
lh- 5.7ul (1-12)
total test 16.9 (9.0-25)

looks ok to me? anyone had similar issues? where to from here? thanks in advance!!!!!
hey I really need some advice..I was on test e @500mg per week and on week nine got ed and low libido so got off and did a shit pct of nolva only at 40/40/20/20. (yeah I know, I have learnt) didnt run a ai and think high e maybe was the problem there but have had ed issues ever since, Im all good with some cialas btw..its been 4 months off and i had these bloods done 3 weeks ago...any help as to were to go from here? Im still getting crazy acne on my back and shoulders too so think my hormones are all over the show still!?

Asked for free test but they only did total...

prolactin -253 (range 85-400)
Estradiol-73pmol/l (0-135
fsh- 2.1ul (1-12)
lh- 5.7ul (1-12)
total test 16.9 (9.0-25)

looks ok to me? anyone had similar issues? where to from here? thanks in advance!!!!!
I'm not real familiar with blood work but it all looks working range but your fsh still looks on the lower end. As to your acne, I never get acne on cycle but when I come off I get it like crazy for a little while. Only time I've had Ed was while running high deca and when I crashed my e2.
I wouldn't think 16 test level would be ok after 4 months off ... how old are you
Edit.... I just re read your post... total t.. got it.... nothing looks that out of control to me
thanks for the input guy, what I think happened is because I didn't run an ai my e2 got out of hand and caused the ed, since I was still pinning it makes sense. then I got off and did nolva pct which got my balls back to size super fast but still had ed, Im starting to think I have just wound myself up about it and its psycological now but im not convinced firstly because my wifes super amazing about it and knows about my cycle so understands whats happening and I feel completely comfortable with her. second I am getting crazy acne which leads me to believe my bodys still sorting itself out...???? but I really dont know, all I know is im not touching gear again! again thanks for the replys!!
thanks for the input guy, what I think happened is because I didn't run an ai my e2 got out of hand and caused the ed, since I was still pinning it makes sense. then I got off and did nolva pct which got my balls back to size super fast but still had ed, Im starting to think I have just wound myself up about it and its psycological now but im not convinced firstly because my wifes super amazing about it and knows about my cycle so understands whats happening and I feel completely comfortable with her. second I am getting crazy acne which leads me to believe my bodys still sorting itself out...???? but I really dont know, all I know is im not touching gear again! again thanks for the replys!!

If it makes you feel any better, my E2 on my first cycle got out of control and I had AI, I just thought maybe I didn't need it. Five weeks in my E2 was at 83 pg/ml (8 - 43). Like you, after the cycle, acne hit me hard and I have never had issues with acne before even during puberty.

It's possible you are mentally hindering yourself now, try doing some cardio to release endorphins to help with ed/libido. I can't really tell you what to do with the acne, I tried everything besides accutane including -

1. Three showers a day, 2/3 applications of Benzyl Peroxide - 2.5%, Glycolic Acid - 10%,
2. Retin - A .05% twice a day
3. Glycolic Acid (AHA) 1% - Salicylic Acid (BHA) 1%
4. Anti-Bacterial Soaps including (Dial & Cetaphil)
5. Moisturizing after with Cetaphil & Eucerin

It's all bullshit when the reason you are breaking out is at the hormonal level. I am going to start taking 20 mg Accutane 4 weeks into my cycle until 4 weeks after to stop that madness from happening. Hopefully this will take care of any issues with acne for me. Good luck!