Tren e in castor oil... is very powerful... if people take 600mg tren e castor oil , after 1-2 month , go to hospital hahahah .
Yes if you take 200mg tren e in castor oil, if you pin 1-2 time for week , you have more result than tren e in other shit oil. For accumulation of dose week after week... less peak after pin... the original parabolan negma was 76.5 . 3 parabolan, you go to olympia hahaha
Today 300 mg tren e go to beach hahaha, because there isn't accumulation in the same way of pharma grade study the release.
The people of pharma , scientifics people of bayer ,with several degree, study the use of eccipient for the reason that the STUPID GUYS ON THIS FORUM ( people with brain and culture of children ) .
For me the only good: science -based are
BA + peanut/sesame oil
BB + castor oil( this formulation for vials multi use is not good, because BA IS IMPORTANT FOR MULTIPLE USE)

When you put Ba , bb in oil ... the oil become more fluid. If oil is too much fluid, the gear when is in the muscle , crash . The absorbiment of oil is too much fast. The absorbiment of castor oil is very long ( I read on study is several week).
For sesame is less , with Ethyl oleate become 1/2 of half life original( I read this ) .
Castor oil have viscosity like 292 mpas, ethyl oleate is 3 mpas hhahaha , water is 1 .
Sesame or peanut is like 80 ( I don't remember).
When you put ba or BB , the viscosity go down.
Im thinking about ordering pharma test e for first time (aburaihan). What do you think about this pharma product? I will mix it with rimobolan castor oil. I dont know what carrier oil they use i researched al ot but no one has the answers. Its between aburaihan test e or panpharma test e.

Aburaihan is no bb, no ba. But panpharma is high dose BB+castor oil.
Im thinking about ordering pharma test e for first time (aburaihan). What do you think about this pharma product? I will mix it with rimobolan castor oil. I dont know what carrier oil they use i researched al ot but no one has the answers. Its between aburaihan test e or panpharma test e.

Aburaihan is no bb, no ba. But panpharma is high dose BB+castor oil.
Aburaihan i believe that is sesame oil.
I don't know if is real that there isn't BA, maybe bb .
If people are interesting.... there are little stock on domestic eu of pharma grade turkey:
there are 34 rimo
6 Proviron bayer
Viagra , cialis pharma grade
And vials of test e castor oil
Aburaihan i believe that is sesame oil.
I don't know if is real that there isn't BA, maybe bb .
They don't use ba I'm amps cause it's supposed to be a one time use and throw away and ur dealing with a closed glass amp it's not like a multi use where it going in and out of it multiple times with a needle.
Ba is for preservative but it's also a solvent.
There are products in ampoules with ba , like sustanon or deca durabolin aspen.
Aburaihan test e is ''for me'' in sesame oil, maybe( 98% of possibility ) is without ba and without bb.
ATTENTION: if you buy pharma grade of turkey , download and use the app: İlaç Takip Sistemi (ITS) Mobil” for see legit QR CODE with legit code.

I see other picture of genotropin domestic eu of other source in this forum, and the code is different , and app show me that is fake.
Attention when buy pharma online .


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No worries, this is the last post until the situation is resolved. We are not trying to self promote. Just trying to get an understanding of what has happened. No hard feelings towards anybody.
it blows my mind how much this fucker was making other threads asking questions. literally trolling this forum with nonsense. in reality it was a source behind all of it.