Hey guys... recovering addict


New Member
Been out the game for several years. Long time lifter, strength coach and gear head. Spent the last 7 years battling an opiate addiction which I am glad to report I'm 7 months clean and sober. Lost everything during my addiction, but I truly believe in redemption and I know I'll be better than ever when all is said and done. I went from 240 to 165 during my addiction and was a walking bag of bones. I've gained 20 lbs back the last 3 months just off eating "again" ..lol I literally starved myself while I was using. I'm normally at 225-230 and up to 240 if I'm on point. Anyway just getting back into the gym and obviously lost all my resources. Wanna get back to a healthy fit weight. Good to be living again and not just existing...Thanks and God bless!;
Welcome to the board and best of luck on your journey. One day at a time. Clean living makes positivity and momentum your friends.
Been out the game for several years. Long time lifter, strength coach and gear head. Spent the last 7 years battling an opiate addiction which I am glad to report I'm 7 months clean and sober. Lost everything during my addiction, but I truly believe in redemption and I know I'll be better than ever when all is said and done. I went from 240 to 165 during my addiction and was a walking bag of bones. I've gained 20 lbs back the last 3 months just off eating "again" ..lol I literally starved myself while I was using. I'm normally at 225-230 and up to 240 if I'm on point. Anyway just getting back into the gym and obviously lost all my resources. Wanna get back to a healthy fit weight. Good to be living again and not just existing...Thanks and God bless!;
Fellow addict clean a long time but always on guard. Glad to hear you're turning things around in your life. Welcome.