Trestolone(MENT) cycle


New Member
After much research I decided to give a trest only cycle a try. Thoughts on 12.5mg trest ED, along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?
along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?
No you have no idea what you are doing.

You saying "on hand" is the biggest red flag.

you are also implying you might not have estrogen issues on trestolone lol.
I dont think you have used steroids before and youre going to mess yourself up regardless of what you do
After much research I decided to give a trest only cycle a try. Thoughts on 12.5mg trest ED, along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?
Agree with @Liter O' Test you don't sound ready to try a trest cycle. Once per day inject won't cut it with acetate and starting at 12.5mg is a bad idea
No you have no idea what you are doing.

You saying "on hand" is the biggest red flag.

you are also implying you might not have estrogen issues on trestolone lol.
I dont think you have used steroids before and youre going to mess yourself up regardless of what you do
I’ve done a cycle of test e once a few years ago, one of AC262 and a separate cycle of SR9009 both last year. Definitely not an expert by no means at all but I’ve dabbled a little here and there. Tbh your response comes off as condescending. Lot of assumptions. Never “implied” anything, there have been plenty examples of folks who didn’t have estrogen issues, and some who have….both with or without test base. At high doses and at the lower end like 10 to 12mg doses which some have used as/or in lieu of TRT. This compound in particular just varies with some people. Either way an AI was quoted “on hand” as a just in case in the majority of the info I’ve read tho. So I guess everyone who made this statement “in hand” there and in all the forums are walking red flags too? Or are you just like that with me? Not very welcoming sir or ma’am. Again no expert here but like I said I’ve dabbled and I’ve done my research. Anyways I hope you can see how you’re coming off and fix that bcus you could’ve asked questions instead of trying to kinda shame??…that’s what turns people off to places like here. Take it from someone whose been using thinksteroids for years, I see how people get treated a lot of times so I’ve stayed in the background. Folks want a place to fellowship and learn and grow bcus the wealth of knowledge is so valuable and we’re all just trying to learn and have a better understanding of things that’s all. I’ll get off my soapbox now….apologies for the sermon but be it in person or online I speak my mind when I feel I’m getting certain vibes. You take care
I’ve done a cycle of test e once a few years ago, one of AC262 and a separate cycle of SR9009 both last year. Definitely not an expert by no means at all but I’ve dabbled a little here and there. Tbh your response comes off as condescending. Lot of assumptions. Never “implied” anything, there have been plenty examples of folks who didn’t have estrogen issues, and some who have….both with or without test base. At high doses and at the lower end like 10 to 12mg doses which some have used as/or in lieu of TRT. This compound in particular just varies with some people. Either way an AI was quoted “on hand” as a just in case in the majority of the info I’ve read tho. So I guess everyone who made this statement “in hand” there and in all the forums are walking red flags too? Or are you just like that with me? Not very welcoming sir or ma’am. Again no expert here but like I said I’ve dabbled and I’ve done my research. Anyways I hope you can see how you’re coming off and fix that bcus you could’ve asked questions instead of trying to kinda shame??…that’s what turns people off to places like here. Take it from someone whose been using thinksteroids for years, I see how people get treated a lot of times so I’ve stayed in the background. Folks want a place to fellowship and learn and grow bcus the wealth of knowledge is so valuable and we’re all just trying to learn and have a better understanding of things that’s all. I’ll get off my soapbox now….apologies for the sermon but be it in person or online I speak my mind when I feel I’m getting certain vibes. You take care
He was right.

Also learn how to use paragraphs.
After much research I decided to give a trest only cycle a try. Thoughts on 12.5mg trest ED, along with hcg, and I have Aromasin on hand and was thinking use that during if issues arise and also as a pct?
Even on a low dose like that I would still take Aromasin every day starting day 1 and evaluate from there. Low estrogen is better than blowing up with tits, acne and high blood pressure. And start with 5mg. And have raloxifene on hand in case the Aromasin doesn't work. Ment is an estrogen bomb like nothing else.
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I’ve done a cycle of test e once a few years ago, one of AC262 and a separate cycle of SR9009 both last year. Definitely not an expert by no means at all but I’ve dabbled a little here and there. Tbh your response comes off as condescending. Lot of assumptions. Never “implied” anything, there have been plenty examples of folks who didn’t have estrogen issues, and some who have….both with or without test base. At high doses and at the lower end like 10 to 12mg doses which some have used as/or in lieu of TRT. This compound in particular just varies with some people. Either way an AI was quoted “on hand” as a just in case in the majority of the info I’ve read tho. So I guess everyone who made this statement “in hand” there and in all the forums are walking red flags too? Or are you just like that with me? Not very welcoming sir or ma’am. Again no expert here but like I said I’ve dabbled and I’ve done my research. Anyways I hope you can see how you’re coming off and fix that bcus you could’ve asked questions instead of trying to kinda shame??…that’s what turns people off to places like here. Take it from someone whose been using thinksteroids for years, I see how people get treated a lot of times so I’ve stayed in the background. Folks want a place to fellowship and learn and grow bcus the wealth of knowledge is so valuable and we’re all just trying to learn and have a better understanding of things that’s all. I’ll get off my soapbox now….apologies for the sermon but be it in person or online I speak my mind when I feel I’m getting certain vibes. You take care
the problem is you have "read" and "done research" on forums about one of the least used and most side effect ridden steroids available.

my point is that you think you can understand everything through other peoples anecdotes, yet ignore all the red flags about this compound, all the side effects and the fact that its just not popular or recommended.

To me you sound like you think you know better and think that the more posts you read, the more side effects you can avoid, but steroids don't care how many threads you've read. Your body doesn't care that you read some anecdotes about how testosterone isn't needed.

You ran SARMS twice? like how do you avoid/ignore all the information about how bad they are?

you simply are not experienced enough to wing a trestolone only cycle
i mean you can, but post back here and be honest about how it went

again, the fact you think that not needing an A.I with trestolone is even a possibility shows how little you understand about estrogen and trestolone. That despite reading all these posts about estrogen and trestolone, you don't comprehend it and underestimate estrogen side effects and steroids themselves.

You don't have the experience to even weed through the posts that you read and seperate the B.S from the truth. (probably why you ran SARMS twice)

just do testosterone. is that not enough for you?