Hey Meso Brothers and Sisters


New Member
Hi everyone, long time lurker here. I started reading this thread before I even knew how gear really worked. I read this page for years until I decided to cross over. Articles by Bill Roberts and others always stood out to me. I also read so many pages on so many threads on here, and because of that while I have experienced issues many on here talk about such as bunk gear, bad pins, etc, it was always comforting knowing I could come here and search my heart away. Wanting to be a more competitive NPC athlete is what led me to cross over, and I haven't looked back since.

Stats: 5'8 Stage Weight 170-175 Offseason Weight 190-195 Goals: Increase stage weight 2.5 years cycling

Cycle history: (I Blast/Cruise) Test E, C, Sust, Tren A/E, Deca, Mast Prop/E, Winstrol (oral), Anadrol (oral), Dbol (liquid oral), Proviron (liquid oral), Superdrol (oral), Clenbuterol (liquid oral). I havent yet run test over 600mg (even that was high and semi pointless for me). Ancillaries: Aromasin, Nolvadex, Caber, B6. MK-677 has been thrown into the mix occasionally.

Diet is typically in check, at my peak I count macros, weigh food, carb cycle etc. Currently I intuitively eat and hit macro ranges.

Things: I am researching and plan on trying when I can afford: HGH, insulin, primobolan, anavar.

Admittedly not great on getting bloods, something I am working to improve on 2021. On the bloods I did get, everything was manageable.

Years training (14) Years bodybuilding (5)

Need advice and help constructing pre national off season stack, also happy to answer any questions and help where I can!
Hi everyone, long time lurker here. I started reading this thread before I even knew how gear really worked. I read this page for years until I decided to cross over. Articles by Bill Roberts and others always stood out to me. I also read so many pages on so many threads on here, and because of that while I have experienced issues many on here talk about such as bunk gear, bad pins, etc, it was always comforting knowing I could come here and search my heart away. Wanting to be a more competitive NPC athlete is what led me to cross over, and I haven't looked back since.

Stats: 5'8 Stage Weight 170-175 Offseason Weight 190-195 Goals: Increase stage weight 2.5 years cycling

Cycle history: (I Blast/Cruise) Test E, C, Sust, Tren A/E, Deca, Mast Prop/E, Winstrol (oral), Anadrol (oral), Dbol (liquid oral), Proviron (liquid oral), Superdrol (oral), Clenbuterol (liquid oral). I havent yet run test over 600mg (even that was high and semi pointless for me). Ancillaries: Aromasin, Nolvadex, Caber, B6. MK-677 has been thrown into the mix occasionally.

Diet is typically in check, at my peak I count macros, weigh food, carb cycle etc. Currently I intuitively eat and hit macro ranges.

Things: I am researching and plan on trying when I can afford: HGH, insulin, primobolan, anavar.

Admittedly not great on getting bloods, something I am working to improve on 2021. On the bloods I did get, everything was manageable.

Years training (14) Years bodybuilding (5)

Need advice and help constructing pre national off season stack, also happy to answer any questions and help where I can!

Welcome to Meso
Delts are looking freaky bro

Great V taper as well

Stick around you'll like it here some great high level guys and I'm sure a lot of guys like myself could learn from your experience.