Hey Yall


New Member
Just wanted to introduce myself. Im about to turn 30, starting to look into TRT possibly. I work out 4 days a week for the past few years. Currently on Clen to try and lose 10-20 LBs by winter
TRT at 30 for 99.9% of people is unnecessary. What are your test levels. To lose fat go on a diet, drugs are not the answer.
TRT at 30 for 99.9% of people is unnecessary. What are your test levels. To lose fat go on a diet, drugs are not the answer.
While I agree with diet and drugs not being the answer, which I somewhat am hypocritical on. Some people fall into that small percentage for TRT. There’s been several 35 and lower I’ve spoken with that have bloods show below 200 for t which would make quality of life pretty rough. As for the Clen… Probably wouldn’t have gone that route initially. 10-20 pounds can be achieved in a safer healthier way with diet for sure. If his test levels are lower than normal, trt would be a good aid in increasing lean muscle/lessen body fat especially with a good diet.
While I agree with diet and drugs not being the answer, which I somewhat am hypocritical on. Some people fall into that small percentage for TRT. There’s been several 35 and lower I’ve spoken with that have bloods show below 200 for t which would make quality of life pretty rough. As for the Clen… Probably wouldn’t have gone that route initially. 10-20 pounds can be achieved in a safer healthier way with diet for sure. If his test levels are lower than normal, trt would be a good aid in increasing lean muscle/lessen body fat especially with a good diet.
OP should first try getting to a super honest 12-15% bf naturally and then check levels
OP should first try getting to a super honest 12-15% bf naturally and then check levels
I'm currently at 19.25% but I've felt I've hit a brick wall at this number since the beginning of the year. Im having 200g protein a day and eating between 2000-2500 calories a day for the past year.
TRT at 30 for 99.9% of people is unnecessary. What are your test levels. To lose fat go on a diet, drugs are not the answer.
Test levels were 426 last bloodwork
I'm currently at 19.25% but I've felt I've hit a brick wall at this number since the beginning of the year. Im having 200g protein a day and eating between 2000-2500 calories a day for the past year.

Test levels were 426 last bloodwork
19.25% per dexa scan? Very prescise measurement

What time of day were those test levels taken?

Definitely spend a few more months cutting. And then eat at maintenance for 2 weeks, and then get levels checked no later than 12 pm. That will likely get you a higher natty level assuming you stay disciplined with diet

Also you don't need clen at that body fat level. Just putting your heart at risk. Do it natty.