HGH and fertility


Hi Meso, I am in my early 40s and still natural for fertility reasons. Unfortunately my sperm parameters motility and morphology are subpar, count is fine.

I've been checked by my urologist and I'm fine physically, no varicocele. LH and test are all over the place ranging between mid and high level, in combination with a high SHBG. FSH has always stayed mid range.

I will see a fertility specialist in two months.

However, I need to know what options I might have. Since I am natural, HCG makes no sense. Clomid has mixed results according to male fertility forums, I've read multiple times that it made sperm parameters even worse.

But what about HGH? You guys have some information?
There have been some studies and a few with good results.
I've decided to run HGH. The plan is to slowly work up to approx 2 IU per day depending on sides and run it for 3 months. I will have a already scheduled SA (sperm analysis) in 2 months.

Still appreciate any input.
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Lot's of people have success with HMG as well, and they abused gear heavily.

It takes 3 months to see any results in motility, the whole Sh'bam that they test for for your little swimmers. So If your results are lackluster now. You could theoretically test each month to see any improvement, but those improvements would really start showing 3 months post-Start of any Fertility protocol you initiate.
As stated above, I am natural.
I have mid to high level testosterone and LH. My FSH is where it should be - mid range.

Reading through infertility forums I've noticed that clomid has mixed results. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it fucks the sperm parameters up.
If a dude is azoospermic, he usually shows very high FSH, so I don't really want to fuck around with that (HMG) either.

Here's my claim that I cannot prove: The dudes on gear who fix their fertility with clomid would have fixed it without also. Maybe some more time.

I had three sperm analyses now, every three months. Trying different supplements and healthier lifestyle. My count went up, my motility dropped.

I haven't found much reliable data on kisspeptin but I will do more research. HGH seems most promising to me.

Appreciate your feedback.
However, I need to know what options I might have. Since I am natural, HCG makes no sense. Clomid has mixed results according to male fertility forums, I've read multiple times that it made sperm parameters even worse.
May I ask why u think hcg makes no sense? I agree that taking low dose clomid will be the best option in your situation but still hcg and hmg administration will improve all of your sperm parameters.
I think "HCG only" makes no sense since it will suppress my FSH as shown in this meso article:

Even after the added FSH/HMG the sperm count didn't increase much against baseline.

What I've read so far about HCG/HMG didn't seem conclusive for my case. According to two urologists, the hormones are not the issue but let's see what the fertility specialist says in two month. I'll discuss HCG/HMG with him.

Clomid was my first guess and I have clomiphene and enclomiphene here. More than once I've read that it worsened sperm parameters. Also the studies (which indeed mostly show improvements) only rarely result in pregnancies.

I figured HGH can't harm here and I was planning on taking it anyway.
I've also placed an order for HGH to complement my use of Clomid, HCG, and BPC157 for fertility purposes. While I'm somewhat skeptical of BPC's direct impact on fertility, in theory, it could enhance the effectiveness of HGH, which I'm concurrently using to address a wrist injury.
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I've also placed an order for HGH to complement my use of Clomid, HCG, and BPC157 for fertility purposes. While I'm somewhat skeptical of BPC's direct impact on fertility, in theory, it could enhance the effectiveness of HGH, which I'm concurrently using to address a wrist injury.
Good to read someone else is doing that.
You've been on gear before, right?

Good luck with the fertility and the wrist. Keep me updated please, I will post my SA results in approx 6 weeks.
Good to read someone else is doing that.
You've been on gear before, right?

Good luck with the fertility and the wrist. Keep me updated please, I will post my SA results in approx 6 weeks.
And I forget to ask how much you will run?

Indeed, I have prior experience with using performance-enhancing substances, but my current challenge doesn't stem from that. It's linked to a delayed vasectomy reversal, which occurred after nearly eight years, resulting in a suboptimal sperm production. Notably, my recent sperm analysis from six months ago displayed a favorable sperm count but zero motility. Unfortunately, my most recent analysis shows zero sperm, which I attribute to temporarily discontinuing my fertility protocol.

In my new and steadfast fertility protocol, I'm committed to remaining on it until I successfully conceive, either naturally or through IVF due to the motility issue. I intend to commence with a cautious 1IU dosage, with the eventual goal of increasing to 2IU before bedtime.
Enclomiphene 12.5mg EOD
Kisspeptin 100mcg ED or EOD

Lot's of people have success with HMG as well, and they abused gear heavily.

It takes 3 months to see any results in motility, the whole Sh'bam that they test for for your little swimmers. So If your results are lackluster now. You could theoretically test each month to see any improvement, but those improvements would really start showing 3 months post-Start of any Fertility protocol you initiate.
I’ve read this as well about HMG but that stuff is pricey as hell and you need a vial eod. I’ve ordered from China in the past but it was trash. Do you know of a sounder with hood hmg?
I’ve read this as well about HMG but that stuff is pricey as hell and you need a vial eod. I’ve ordered from China in the past but it was trash. Do you know of a sounder with hood hmg?
I used naps last time and waited for their 30% off sale, currently waiting for China man to get more in so I can order.
Just got my SA results back and talked to my urologist - after 8 weeks on HGH. That's barely enough to see a difference so I will have improvements along the way I guess.

My count was fine already, progressive motility varied a lot and is at 29 % now and the biggest success is that my morphology went up to 11 % from consistent 2 % before.

The doctor said my sperm is absolutely fine now.

I don't know to how much the HGH helped but the huge jump in morphology is just awesome and very unusual. A fertility doctor told us a couple months ago that there is not chance I can improve the initial value by more than 1 or 2 %. Well she was wrong.
Just got my SA results back and talked to my urologist - after 8 weeks on HGH. That's barely enough to see a difference so I will have improvements along the way I guess.

My count was fine already, progressive motility varied a lot and is at 29 % now and the biggest success is that my morphology went up to 11 % from consistent 2 % before.

The doctor said my sperm is absolutely fine now.

I don't know to how much the HGH helped but the huge jump in morphology is just awesome and very unusual. A fertility doctor told us a couple months ago that there is not chance I can improve the initial value by more than 1 or 2 %. Well she was wrong.
Upon discovering my sperm count hit rock bottom, my doctor informed me that there's no medication or procedure available to remedy the situation – quite the revelation! I couldn't help but recall that my previous sperm test showed promising results when I was following my routine diligently; however, a brief hiatus seemed to have led to this unexpected turn.

It's intriguing to think about the level of expertise when my specialist appears unfamiliar with Dave Polumbo's fertility protocol lol. Nevertheless, I'm genuinely thrilled to witness your progress and sincerely hope you persist in your journey toward achieving your goals.
Upon discovering my sperm count hit rock bottom, my doctor informed me that there's no medication or procedure available to remedy the situation – quite the revelation! I couldn't help but recall that my previous sperm test showed promising results when I was following my routine diligently; however, a brief hiatus seemed to have led to this unexpected turn.

It's intriguing to think about the level of expertise when my specialist appears unfamiliar with Dave Polumbo's fertility protocol lol. Nevertheless, I'm genuinely thrilled to witness your progress and sincerely hope you persist in your journey toward achieving your goals.
Thank you.
Have you had an analysis already after you've added HGH to your protocol?