hgh and insulin spike


New Member
So i have a question about hgh timing and all, let's say for a small dosage (1 or 2 iu a day)
Usually its said to take it morning, fasted and if possible do workout after, or before bed, around 2h after last meal

But to what i understand, hgh will cause an insulin spike, and thats why those timing are frequently used (for instance, fasted at morning + workout to manage that insulin spike)
But finally, why not taking it just before lunch let's say at noon, because finally the lunch will cause also a spike . Wouldnt it be better for our body to only have one insulin spike (meal + hgh) rather than 2 (hgh fasted and the meal) ?
Or am i missing something ?
This thread probably has some info you’re after.

no, it's about hgh and lipolysis and so on

i am asking about insulin spike and dangers

Did you read the thread or just the thread title?

There is tons of info on all things growth in that thread, not just losing weight using gh.
yes im following the thread since weeks, i cant say i've read all but a good part, and maybe i'm blind, but i did not see an answer to what i'm asking