HGH Dosing Time

What do you mean by "deep rem"? Vivid dreams?

Afaik there is no such thing as "deep rem". GH does however induce particularly vivid dreams and increase the amount spent in REM along with NREM2 and sleep fragmentation.

High glucose however is really bad. From neuroinflammation, alzheimers dementia, parkinsons, to ... well, everything related to mitochondria dysfunction. I'd really take care of that if I was you.
It's pretty much offset any trensomnia.

I fall asleep quicker, the sleep feels deeper. The dreams are more vivid. Even if I do wake up in the middle of the night, I instantly just fall back asleep, wake up feeling more rested.

^^none of which I usually experience. It's definitely had a positive effect on sleep so far, for me atleast. That's the best way I can describe it
I get an initial resting heart rate increase after injection, but a few hours post subq injection I hit a lethargy wall. Just ends up working out well for me with sleep.

I've slept like a dead person the last 2 days doing the full dose at night. Some of the deepest REM sleep I think I've ever had.

Try timing your GH 2 hours before bed and see if that helps
Unfortunately doing it closer to bed simply exacerbates the issue. I wish it weren't the case and seems like quite a rare side although there are a few threads here with others complaining of similar issues, if I remember correctly.

Makes me wake up regularly, struggle to get back to sleep, and wake up far too early and feel exhausted. I still take it for BMD improvements but it isn't ideal.
Unfortunately doing it closer to bed simply exacerbates the issue. I wish it weren't the case and seems like quite a rare side although there are a few threads here with others complaining of similar issues, if I remember correctly.

Makes me wake up regularly, struggle to get back to sleep, and wake up far too early and feel exhausted. I still take it for BMD improvements but it isn't ideal.

GH does increase sleep fragmentation. This is normal but a lot of factors are at play. For instance @Sector experiences heavy sedation from GH which keeps him a sleep. For others, the GH's sedating effects, which are mostly mediated via GABA, eventually fade away, and then the sleep starts getting worse. For some, like you and me for instance, even the initial sedation doesn't help offset the GH's negative effects on sleep, particularly sleep fragmentation.
GH does increase sleep fragmentation. This is normal but a lot of factors are at play. For instance @Sector experiences heavy sedation from GH which keeps him a sleep. For others, the GH's sedating effects, which are mostly mediated via GABA, eventually fade away, and then the sleep starts getting worse. For some, like you and me for instance, even the initial sedation doesn't help offset the GH's negative effects on sleep, particularly sleep fragmentation.
So, all things considered, do you take it and how?
GH does increase sleep fragmentation. This is normal but a lot of factors are at play. For instance @Sector experiences heavy sedation from GH which keeps him a sleep. For others, the GH's sedating effects, which are mostly mediated via GABA, eventually fade away, and then the sleep starts getting worse. For some, like you and me for instance, even the initial sedation doesn't help offset the GH's negative effects on sleep, particularly sleep fragmentation.
Really interesting. Thanks for the input. Any ways to alleviate this effect that you've come across?

Sleep issues for me are definitely worse on higher loads of androgens too. I wonder if some of us are simply more susceptible to it than others. Pre-TRT/HGH/blasts I could sleep like a baby for 9+ hours on demand. HGH is definitely uniquely disruptive though, and I notice worsened sleep immediately after adding HGH to my protocol.
I've been doing 6iu at night the last two days, rather than splitting it am/pm

Literally the best sleep of my life. Recovery feels solid too. The only thing is my fasted blood glucose is higher, even with the metformin. I'll have to watch this going forward
I’ve been doing the same at same dose and I agree. Also massive improvement in fat burning at 6iu compared to 4iu.
GH does increase sleep fragmentation. This is normal but a lot of factors are at play. For instance @Sector experiences heavy sedation from GH which keeps him a sleep. For others, the GH's sedating effects, which are mostly mediated via GABA, eventually fade away, and then the sleep starts getting worse. For some, like you and me for instance, even the initial sedation doesn't help offset the GH's negative effects on sleep, particularly sleep fragmentation.
I started out having terrible sleep on gh and had to dose am. Now I can take it at night and find it helps with sleep. Took around 4 months for that to happen. Wonder if it’s the impact on gaba you’re talking about.
I think there's a lot more emerging research on BOLO HGH dosages, and I believe @Type-IIx has talked about this quite a bit. More inclined to take his word over some random youtuber
While true that "the body can only produce so much IGF-I at once," so obviously true that it's axiomatic and readily reducible to a marketing-style, buzzworthy quip like this one that Derek has used to recruit a massive following (and print $$$) from... what, pray tell, is that quantity? And what, pray tell, is the rhGH dose that produces it?

That's what I'm still working on answering...
I think there's a lot more emerging research on BOLO HGH dosages, and I believe @Type-IIx has talked about this quite a bit. More inclined to take his word over some random youtuber

yup, a random youtuber who literally posted scientific literature with graphs and results in his video. . You conveniently missed that part. And the guy you mentioned what are his credentials?

While it's easy to call him a troll, I really don't think he's trolling. Lazy and stubborn sounds more appropriate.. @Fullchamber Why don't you click on that purple link @Sector so kindly gave you.

......o yeah 2iu am pre-workout then 2 iu 2-3hrs before bed
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While it's easy to call him a troll, I really don't think he's trolling. Lazy and stubborn sounds more appropriate.. @Fullchamber Why don't you click on that purple link @Sector so kindly gave you.
Yeah it seems based on type 2s reply there is some kind of upper limit and diminishing returns but I would imagine this dosage would be quite large (much larger than the 6iu fullchamber was referring to as being useless). I won't even begin to speculate on the actual upper limit before you hit diminishing returns, only to reference protocols in aids patients where they have them shooting up to 18iu (6mg=18iu) at once, but the doses can also go higher than 18iu in more aggressive protocols I've seen. I'm sure there's heavy research into these reccomended doses So it would be interesting what the actual cutoff would be.

"The usual starting dose of SEROSTIM is 0.1 mg/kg subcutaneously once daily (up to a total dose of 6 mg). SEROSTIM should be administered subcutaneously once daily at bedtime according to the following body weight-based dosage recommendations:"
Yeah it seems based on type 2s reply there is some kind of upper limit and diminishing returns but I would imagine this dosage would be quite large (much larger than the 6iu fullchamber was referring to as being useless). I won't even begin to speculate on the actual upper limit before you hit diminishing returns, only to reference protocols in aids patients where they have them shooting up to 18iu (6mg=18iu) at once, but the doses can also go higher than 18iu in more aggressive protocols I've seen. I'm sure there's heavy research into these reccomended doses So it would be interesting what the actual cutoff would be.

"The usual starting dose of SEROSTIM is 0.1 mg/kg subcutaneously once daily (up to a total dose of 6 mg). SEROSTIM should be administered subcutaneously once daily at bedtime according to the following body weight-based dosage recommendations:"

I'm new to gh and was having trouble with 2iu about a month ago. Edema on a clean diet, low carb, low sodium. I stopped the gh and Edema was still lingering so I started otc diuretics. It eventually went away and i gave it some time till I eventually went back on.

Started at 2iu a.m. with no Edema, then upped to 2iu a.m. and p.m. which seems to be working for me. For myself and my comfort I can't see me going over 6iu because of the sides I experience, not because I believe it to be wasteful...if I could I'd like to try 2iu early am, 2iu pre-workout, 2iu post workout, and 2iu before bed but I think I'd bloat up like a dead guy on the beach.
if I could I'd like to try 2iu early am, 2iu pre-workout, 2iu post workout, and 2iu before bed but I think I'd bloat up like a dead guy on the beach.
There’s a refractory period of 6-8 hours for gh, so you want to keep your doses spaced at least that far apart from what I understand. From what I’ve read you’d get a better boon doing 4iu x2 than 2iu x4.
There’s a refractory period of 6-8 hours for gh, so you want to keep your doses spaced at least that far apart from what I understand. From what I’ve read you’d get a better boon doing 4iu x2 than 2iu x4.
Right on, latley I've been playing around with the timing of my second dose pre/post workout. I think it was a chase irons video where he was saying if cost wasn't an issue to do 2iu am, pre,post, and pm but dont quote me on that, it was a while ago...Right now I won't go over 4iu a day due to sides but I think I'll be going back to my old routine of taking it first thing when I wake up, then about 3hrs before bed.
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Right on, latley I've been playing around with the timing of my second dose pre/post workout. I think it was a chase irons video where he was saying if cost wasn't an issue to do 2iu am, pre,post, and pm but dont quote me on that, it was a while ago...Right now I won't go over 4iu a day due to sides but I think I'll be going back to my old routine of taking it first thing when I wake up, then about 3hrs before bed.
Itwas chase that stated this…
Yeah it seems based on type 2s reply there is some kind of upper limit and diminishing returns but I would imagine this dosage would be quite large (much larger than the 6iu fullchamber was referring to as being useless). I won't even begin to speculate on the actual upper limit before you hit diminishing returns, only to reference protocols in aids patients where they have them shooting up to 18iu (6mg=18iu) at once, but the doses can also go higher than 18iu in more aggressive protocols I've seen. I'm sure there's heavy research into these reccomended doses So it would be interesting what the actual cutoff would be.

"The usual starting dose of SEROSTIM is 0.1 mg/kg subcutaneously once daily (up to a total dose of 6 mg). SEROSTIM should be administered subcutaneously once daily at bedtime according to the following body weight-based dosage recommendations:"

Guys, you're missing some important data. If we're talking fat loss, it's the GH that does most of the work - not igf1.

Fat cells have GH receptors, where GH upon binding increases hormone sensitive lipaze activity. HSL converts stored fats in to ffa's. Gh also negates insulin activity, which is important as insulin is antagonistic towards fat loss. GH also increases the expression (or sensitivity, I don't remember) of beta receptors on fat cells. It does more then these 3 things, but I'm not that well researched on the matter, @Type-IIx is the resident expert here.

GH (and not igf1) ofc has a lot of other mechanisms by which it's beneficial for bodybuilding, it's not just fat loss. So equating GH's positive mechanisms only to igf1 conversion (which is however most important for anabolism) doesn't take in to the account the whole picture.
I take mine subq at night. It does not seem to help or hurt my sleep. Something interesting I found the other day out of curiosity is that if I inject it IM it does make me sleepy and lethargic.