HGH Dosing Time

Guys, you're missing some important data. If we're talking fat loss, it's the GH that does most of the work - not igf1.

Fat cells have GH receptors, where GH upon binding increases hormone sensitive lipaze activity. HSL converts stored fats in to ffa's. Gh also negates insulin activity, which is important as insulin is antagonistic towards fat loss. GH also increases the expression (or sensitivity, I don't remember) of beta receptors on fat cells. It does more then these 3 things, but I'm not that well researched on the matter, @Type-IIx is the resident expert here.

GH (and not igf1) ofc has a lot of other mechanisms by which it's beneficial for bodybuilding, it's not just fat loss. So equating GH's positive mechanisms only to igf1 conversion (which is however most important for anabolism) doesn't take in to the account the whole picture.

In my limited research, everything you said here I agree with or have read about. I'm just getting into hgh use so i can't give out advice but I understand there is outdated or just flat out wrong info on gh. As far as chase irons goes, is he outdated or just wrong? I'm not sticking up for the guy, I'm genuinely curious as I though he was well received in the community. The info he shares as far as dose/timing seems on point with everything else I've read.

Note; when I have a question on hgh or otherwise ill first come here, then Google, and I find that if I still can't decide and get impatient, I start watching YouTube videos. I'm not a huge fan of acquiring info from YouTube because the videos are usually old and never updated.

Also the new Google ai is really good at fucking up information it's trying to summarize.
As far as chase irons goes, is he outdated or just wrong? I'm not sticking up for the guy, I'm genuinely curious as I though he was well received in the community. The info he shares as far as dose/timing seems on point with everything else I've read.

If you're doing 18-36 IU/d, yeah split dosing makes sense.

Also, if you're constrained by budget and every 0.1 IU matters, trying to find the optimal timing strategy might make sense.

Otherwise, I don't think perfect split-dose timing of 2x2 IU/d would be better than 6 or 8 IU at any time.
Guys, you're missing some important data. If we're talking fat loss, it's the GH that does most of the work - not igf1.

Fat cells have GH receptors, where GH upon binding increases hormone sensitive lipaze activity. HSL converts stored fats in to ffa's. Gh also negates insulin activity, which is important as insulin is antagonistic towards fat loss. GH also increases the expression (or sensitivity, I don't remember) of beta receptors on fat cells. It does more then these 3 things, but I'm not that well researched on the matter, @Type-IIx is the resident expert here.

GH (and not igf1) ofc has a lot of other mechanisms by which it's beneficial for bodybuilding, it's not just fat loss. So equating GH's positive mechanisms only to igf1 conversion (which is however most important for anabolism) doesn't take in to the account the whole picture.
Whereas GH is directly lipolytic in rat adipocytes (by binding to fat cell GH-R) this is not the case in humans. The lipolytic action of GH is primarily due to a permissive effect on catecholamine induced lipolysis. GH exerts a marked increase in catecholamine sensitivity in human fat cells.
I know several people here recommend early mornin dosing. I workout at 5am, so I’d have to inject at 1-2am for it to be effective during my cardio session. In my case, should I just stick to a nightly routine? I know there’s no definite answer, just looking for suggestions.
I know several people here recommend early mornin dosing. I workout at 5am, so I’d have to inject at 1-2am for it to be effective during my cardio session. In my case, should I just stick to a nightly routine? I know there’s no definite answer, just looking for suggestions.
you can inject HGH intramuscular 1 hour before workout
I know several people here recommend early mornin dosing. I workout at 5am, so I’d have to inject at 1-2am for it to be effective during my cardio session. In my case, should I just stick to a nightly routine? I know there’s no definite answer, just looking for suggestions.
Shouldn't make much of a difference honestly. Waking up at 1am or 2am to inject then trying to go back to sleep would get old veryyyy fast.

I'd probably just stick with the night time routine personally
How come he’s hundreds of millions worth already now? I guess quacks are more successful than most of you self proclaimed “most knowledgeable” people

He's definitely not worth hundreds of millions. And making money isn't what makes someone a quack or not. Just remember MPMD built his career off telling people that natural test boosters are trash, then he launched his own line of natural test boosters. He got massive by blasting grams of gear, and now he tells other people to only take TRT.
He's definitely not worth hundreds of millions. And making money isn't what makes someone a quack or not. Just remember MPMD built his career off telling people that natural test boosters are trash, then he launched his own line of natural test boosters. He got massive by blasting grams of gear, and now he tells other people to only take TRT.
I see some contradiction in his takes too. All i was talking about the studies he quoted. That’s it. And yes, coach Greg and Vigorous Steve say a lot of things that contradict their previous takes. And that’s why I don’t completely trust them. It’s sad how these people are getting richer n richer by making a fool of people.
Coach Greg was hyping Turk builder (his product) but when it got debunked that it doesn’t do much for building muscles he dropped the promotion and now he pushes GO2 max. Some endurance supplement trash.
Shouldn't make much of a difference honestly. Waking up at 1am or 2am to inject then trying to go back to sleep would get old veryyyy fast.

I'd probably just stick with the night time routine personally

And there's always peptides for fasted cardio which have a fast absorption time.
Any reccomendations? I'd be interested in reading on it atleast
Just take his words. If you ask any questions he will take it as you are challenging his intellectual level and his decades of self research on these matters. And he will start coming at you in the most condescending way possible.
Just take his words. If you ask any questions he will take it as you are challenging his intellectual level and his decades of self research on these matters. And he will start coming at you in the most condescending way possible.
I'm just looking for some reading content. I think Jin and I have a mutual respect

I've had to switch my GH shots to BOLO night time because it gives me wicked lethargy like 3-4H post subq shot, so if there's maybe something that could supplement my fasted morning training then I'd be open to atleast reading/learning about it. I know there are Peptides that can increase endogenous GH production by the equivalent of 1-2iu, but if I'm taking GH exogenously and shutting down my endogenous production, I would need to figure out If this would even work.
I'm just looking for some reading content. I think Jin and I have a mutual respect

I've had to switch my GH shots to BOLO night time because it gives me wicked lethargy like 3-4H post subq shot, so if there's maybe something that could supplement my fasted morning training then I'd be open to atleast reading/learning about it. I know there are Peptides that can increase endogenous GH production by the equivalent of 1-2iu, but if I'm taking GH exogenously and shutting down my endogenous production, I would need to figure out If this would even work.

You need GHRP's (not GHRH), they work even with igf1's negative feedback. Out of all GHRP's I'd use only ipamorelin due to it having the lowest potential to modulate the HPA axis. Hexarelin is a huge offender in this regard and so are ghrp2 and 6.

The peak boluses you get with a normal - large dose of GHRP's is far greater then 1 - 2 iu's of GH. However auc is ofc nowhere near that of rhGH's.

Not quite sure how effective these short boluses are at stimulating lipolysis though. But if enhanced fasted cardio is the only goal, I imagine they are somewhat adequate (your standards may vary).

Nobody mentioned administering GH via i.v. Not really the safest of practices, but if you know what you're doing, it's an option ...
Just take his words. If you ask any questions he will take it as you are challenging his intellectual level and his decades of self research on these matters. And he will start coming at you in the most condescending way possible.
Look who is being condescending.
What you say about @Jin23 is not true.
Maybe you are the one who doesn't like being challenged and you perceive his eloquence as condescension.
In any case, with
his decades of self research on these matters
I would be more appreciative of his take on this.
What you brought to the plate is Derek from MPMD who has made a video showing you some charts about this and so cut out the work for you, in your words.
I mean, after all the information and personal experiences people have written here about, this is you response to it all and what you got out of it.
Well done.
Look who is being condescending.
What you say about @Jin23 is not true.
Maybe you are the one who doesn't like being challenged and you perceive his eloquence as condescension.
In any case, with

I would be more appreciative of his take on this.
What you brought to the plate is Derek from MPMD who has made a video showing you some charts about this and so cut out the work for you, in your words.
I mean, after all the information and personal experiences people have written here about, this is you response to it all and what you got out of it.
Well done.
suck it easy lol
You need GHRP's (not GHRH), they work even with igf1's negative feedback.
Holy shit really!? The only thing I missed about secretagogues was that ipamorelin is magic for my sleep. Could you guide me to resources discussing this? All my personal research and readings lead me to believe the negative feedback impacted both ghrh and ghrp. If I could use ipa to aid my sleep hygiene again that’d be huge for me.

Nobody mentioned administering GH via i.v. Not really the safest of practices, but if you know what you're doing, it's an option ...
If that didn’t scare the living hell outta me from having junkie friends growing up this is what I’d do. That ROA is by far the least negative impactful on blood glucose and other sides. Way too big a wuss for that though.
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Holy shit really!? The only thing I missed about secretagogues was that ipamorelin is magic for my sleep. Could you guide me to resources discussing this? All my personal research and readings lead me to believe the negative feedback impacted both ghrh and ghrp. If I could use ipa to aid my sleep hygiene again that’d be huge for me.
Ipamorelin is magic for sleep? Say Less
Ipamorelin is magic for sleep?
It worked better as a sleep aid/drug for me than anything I’ve ever taken in my life. I honestly think medical research should be exploring it as a treatment for those with bad/untreatable insomnia. It was honestly magic for me. I really hoped gh would do the same but no luck on the sleep front.
Holy shit really!? The only thing I missed about secretagogues was that ipamorelin is magic for my sleep. Could you guide me to resources discussing this? All my personal research and readings lead me to believe the negative feedback impacted both ghrh and ghrp. If I could use ipa to aid my sleep hygiene again that’d be huge for me.

You can use GHRH's for sleep, even though your endogenous GH secretion is suppressed. The reason being is that GHRH's effects on sleep aren't solely dependent on GH secretion. This is quite evident in Primary growth hormone deficient patients, ie. where the hypothalamus is releasing GHRH (usually a larger then normal amount as a way of compensation, similar to hypogonadism and elevated LH) but the pituitary isn't releasing GH. These patients sleep like babies for 12h a day, with a fairly large portion of their sleep being slow wave sleep. They are incessantly tired all day and the use of rhGH actually restores their sleep somewhat back to baseline.

GHRH's are better for sleep then GHRP's. Use mod grf or cjcdac instead of ipamorelin. Or use both if you wish, but try mod grf only first to gauge at the effect.