HGH Dosing Time

I’m curious to get feedback on the time of day that people are injecting their HGH. I’ve heard some say to take it first thing in the morning, some say before they workout or after they workout. Some say to take it right before bed. I’m wondering what some of you do. Thanks
I have heard it doesn't really matter.

Most I have ever taken is 4 IU in a day. When I did that, would take 2IUs an hour before bed and 2IU in the morning on non workout days, 1 hour before workout on wo days. Seemed to work just fine for me.

I don't know if there is a difference with timing expectations though if you take larger doses.
all i am saying it that if exogenous administration shuts down natural production then timing of taking it shouldn’t matter.

Off course it matters. It maters as noted previously for brain when sleeping and it also maters a lot in regards to food intake.

If you are shutting down your endogenous production then you better be doing doses that are more than your natural production.

Yes, this is the first thing that you said which makes sense.

An as we start aging we all need GH since we don’t produce sufficient amount anymore.

Aaand ... you're off again. The natural decline in pulsatile GH release has many protective functions which increase longevity as GH basically increases aging processes because igf1 is a potent mitogen and it promotes cell survival by inhibiting apoptosis. There are also other factors, but these two are some of the main ones. Unless we are speaking about correcting a GH deficiency, then no, GH is contra indicated for longevity.
Off course it matters. It maters as noted previously for brain when sleeping and it also maters a lot in regards to food intake.

Yes, this is the first thing that you said which makes sense.

Aaand ... you're off again. The natural decline in pulsatile GH release has many protective functions which increase longevity as GH basically increases aging processes because igf1 is a potent mitogen and it promotes cell survival by inhibiting apoptosis. There are also other factors, but these two are some of the main ones. Unless we are speaking about correcting a GH deficiency, then no, GH is contra indicated for longevity.
Then why are there so many clinics promoting GH usage for anti aging and general health purposes?
Does natural production of GH shuts down permanently and if not then does it come back to normal levels naturally?
Isn’t GH helpful for injury recovery? I have been taking it for my nerve injury for a couple of weeks now and will continue till i recover from it.
It depends on your goals.

If you want to cut, likely taking a dose before fasted cardio is best.

If you want to pack on mass, dose before bed.

The serostim pamphlet, which is the HGH given to AIDs patients to prevent muscle wasting, instructs the user to administer 18iu before bed. So, I’m pretty sure they know what they’re talking about.

Type-II has a whole article written about HGH for cutting fat. Taking the large dose >3iu before fasted cardio will allow the HGH to “zap” the free fatty acids released during exercise.
Type-II has a whole article written about HGH for cutting fat. Taking the large dose >3iu before fasted cardio will allow the HGH to “zap” the free fatty acids released during exercise.

GH does not zap ffa's, rather, it helps mobilize them from the fat stores to the systemic blood circulation where they can be utilized for energy, ie. burned off.

You need to administer GH preferably 2 to 3h before the workout (depending on individual pharmacokinetics), so your training is around the Tmax, to reap the most benefits in regards to fat loss (and not just 30m as somebody else in this thread noted). And the dose doesn't matter, it doesn't need to be specifically 3 iu's, it can be 1 or 20 iu's, all will mobilize ffa's, some more, some less.
GH does not zap ffa's, rather, it helps mobilize them from the fat stores to the systemic blood circulation where they can be utilized for energy, ie. burned off.

You need to administer GH preferably 2 to 3h before the workout to reap the most benefits in regards to fat loss. And the dose doesn't matter, it doesn't need to be specifically 3 iu's, it can be 1 or 20 iu's, all will mobilize ffa's, some more, some less.

Thank you. I was just referring back to his article off the top of my head. He did mention using a bolus of >3iu but I believe you are correct lower dose would a achieve the same
Then why are there so many clinics promoting GH usage for anti aging and general health purposes?

The same reason that stay at home moms promote their “own business” of selling you whatever MLM is popular..

There’s a lot of conflicting information about HGH being anti-aging but the most recent literature I’ve read is that it is more likely to speed up aging than retard it.
Then why are there so many clinics promoting GH usage for anti aging and general health purposes?
Does natural production of GH shuts down permanently and if not then does it come back to normal levels naturally?
Isn’t GH helpful for injury recovery? I have been taking it for my nerve injury for a couple of weeks now and will continue till i recover from it.

You've been pretty sovereign in your statements thus far, but it seems like you haven't even grasped the fundamentals of growth hormone physiology. I'm chalking it up to the influencer virus, which makes one feel and act too empowered in accordance to their actual knowledge/experience.

In regards to clinics, as the above poster mentioned, it's a cash grab. GH is not anti aging. GH is the fountain of feeling youthful, but it is not the fountain of life. This, as your other questions, are the sole basics of GH and with due respect, I'm not inclined of talking about them further, they are your basic homework.
I'm chalking it up to the influencer virus, which makes one feel and act too empowered in accordance to their actual knowledge/experience.
What a great explanation and it applies to a shit ton of people across the forums even the ones that have some knowledge.

For sure, none of us know everything no matter how long we have been in the game and we can all learn more.

While it is important to keep an open mind IMO its also important to not just automatically agree with your favorite influencers and regurgitate everything they say as factual on the forums to appear knowledgeable yourself because while the ones you follow may be knowledgeable on some things, they aren't knowledgeable on everything.
While it is important to keep an open mind IMO its also important to not just automatically agree with your favorite influencers and regurgitate everything they say as factual on the forums to appear knowledgeable yourself because while the ones you follow may be knowledgeable on some things, they aren't knowledgeable on everything.

100% - it’s okay to change your opinion on a topic based on new information. Some people seem so resistent to this idea.
What a great explanation and it applies to a shit ton of people across the forums even the ones that have some knowledge.

For sure, none of us know everything no matter how long we have been in the game and we can all learn more.

While it is important to keep an open mind IMO its also important to not just automatically agree with your favorite influencers and regurgitate everything they say as factual on the forums to appear knowledgeable yourself because while the ones you follow may be knowledgeable on some things, they aren't knowledgeable on everything.
Ok guys stop being condescending. I am talking about actual anti aging clinics. Those who run such clinics have some sorts of credentials so an avg guy like me will obviously take their knowledge without questioning it since most of the people like me are not expert in any of such things. And i wasn’t trying to come off as knowledgeable. And when I talked about when to take GH i also mentioned who I learned it from. So stop saying that I was trying to present myself as “knowledgeable”. Most of you roid fcks are always on the edge and try to find a way to vent on people.
Ok guys stop being condescending. I am talking about actual anti aging clinics. Those who run such clinics have some sorts of credentials so an avg guy like me will obviously take their knowledge without questioning it since most of the people like me are not expert in any of such things. And i wasn’t trying to come off as knowledgeable. And when I talked about when to take GH i also mentioned who I learned it from. So stop saying that I was trying to present myself as “knowledgeable”. Most of you roid fcks are always on the edge and try to find a way to vent on people.

I was just referring to you being assertive in your statements without actually having anything to base that assertiveness on. Here, these were some of you blunt statements:

Then taking it in night time ain’t gonna help you either if we go with your logic. Cus if you take it night time then your brain wouldn’t produce it since it’s already in the system.

all i am saying it that if exogenous administration shuts down natural production then timing of taking it shouldn’t matter. It’s the dose that matters then.

An as we start aging we all need GH since we don’t produce sufficient amount anymore.

Just add imo (in my opinion) or some other phrase which will somewhat blunt your statements and you'll be fine. You didn't commit any crime, chill.

But don't call me a roid fuck as you don't know the first thing about me and is way off base. I could just as well call you an ignorant cunt, or something in those lines, representative of your character and demeanour.
Ok guys stop being condescending. I am talking about actual anti aging clinics. Those who run such clinics have some sorts of credentials so an avg guy like me will obviously take their knowledge without questioning it since most of the people like me are not expert in any of such things. And i wasn’t trying to come off as knowledgeable. And when I talked about when to take GH i also mentioned who I learned it from. So stop saying that I was trying to present myself as “knowledgeable”. Most of you roid fcks are always on the edge and try to find a way to vent on people.
Hey bro, my comments were not directed at you. They were just general statements/opinions that I believe apply to many topics, many forums and many members.

Apologies if I came across as being condescending towards you.

Now, I would def take @Jin23 advice when it comes to adding IMO or something similar to some of your statements now that I have looked at them more closely.

If you don't do that, it can definitely lead to arguments just like when people make blanket statements or say crap like a particular drug has no use for 99% of the population, everyone knows, guaranteed, etc.....
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I was just referring to you being assertive in your statements without actually having anything to base that assertiveness on. Here, these were some of you blunt statements:

Just add imo (in my opinion) or some other phrase which will somewhat blunt your statements and you'll be fine. You didn't commit any crime, chill.

But don't call me a roid fuck as you don't know the first thing about me and is way off base. I could just as well call you an ignorant cunt, or something in those lines, representative of your character and demeanour.
I went with your logic and based my argument on that. I didn’t say that what i said was the ultimate fact. Also, you said that exogenous administration shuts down endogenous production of GH? Based on that statement I was just saying that then it shouldn’t matter when you take of the endogenous production is halted already. It was just based on what you said. I wasn’t saying what I said was research based. It was just a mere conversation with you. But obviously your arrogant ayss had to show me in condescending manner how knowledgeable you are. And btw, you didn’t mention any literature to support your argument either so how can I believe you just like you don’t want me to believe those anti aging clinic experts either?!
I went with your logic and based my argument on that. I didn’t say that what i said was the ultimate fact. Also, you said that exogenous administration shuts down endogenous production of GH? Based on that statement I was just saying that then it shouldn’t matter when you take of the endogenous production is halted already. It was just based on what you said. I wasn’t saying what I said was research based. It was just a mere conversation with you. But obviously your arrogant ayss had to show me in condescending manner how knowledgeable you are. And btw, you didn’t mention any literature to support your argument either so how can I believe you just like you don’t want me to believe those anti aging clinic experts either?!

Ok, so you're just a half wit. Nothing wrong with that either. You do you ...
Ok guys stop being condescending. I am talking about actual anti aging clinics. Those who run such clinics have some sorts of credentials so an avg guy like me will obviously take their knowledge without questioning it since most of the people like me are not expert in any of such things. And i wasn’t trying to come off as knowledgeable. And when I talked about when to take GH i also mentioned who I learned it from. So stop saying that I was trying to present myself as “knowledgeable”. Most of you roid fcks are always on the edge and try to find a way to vent on people.
Brother these clinics have the credentials of basically an online course. They’re shams.

Also “roid heads”? What are you doing here if you don’t use steroids ?