HGH at 23, am im stupid?

Proud Pangolin

New Member
So, as you guys can see am a new member. The reason why i joined is harmreduction and basiacally i should mature enough to know the answer but:

Im 23 (had two cycles, last one was 600mg test and 600mg DHB even though i started with 500mg test and 400mg DHB. At the end i threw in some tbol but only because i quit the DHB (cypionate) much earlyer but anyways thats not the topic). Right now im cutting to get ready for next cycle (600mg test and 600mg DHB as i dont see why i should change a working system and its a strong cycle anyways)

What does this have to do with HGH? I got pretty fat over Christmas. I have to lose between 5-10kg. Thats 11-22 freedom per eagel (lb).

So i ordered som HGH to help with fatloss. In the first 2-3 months (with some 2weeks break in it though) of my pcf i used GHRP-2 and that other thin "no dac" (sorry i cant access my freezer right now). You know what im talkimg about.

I had very good results on it. I bulked and even though i ate a lot, i really didnt get fat. Thats why i was so surprised how fat i got during my one moth vacation because while obviously not training and doing my cardio its not like I stuffed my self like a pig. The fact that i run my enclomiphen citrate pretty long (8weeks full dosage and then i slowly reduces the dosage the next 3 weeks) may also have played a role because it raisesed my testosteron.

But my feeling was that this came from the peptides.

So until like a couple of day my plan was to run 4IU of HGH (split into two dosages as a fat loss protocoll) for like 1-2 months.

Now i have read the horrorstory here if that guy you took HGH at the age of 19?20? Something like that for only 4months and had significant face changes.

Im a pretty guy, i really dont want to lose that.

So basiacally i want to know what your take is on this. And yes i do realise nobody can gurantee anything, everybody is different etc.
But how stupid of an idea based on risk/benefit would you rate this from 1-10?

Im like torn appart, one part of me things, thats was one single case, you are anyways playing with your natural test, hair and health/life so stop bitching
And the other part says, why would you risk getting ugly just for some fatloss.
I got pretty fat over Christmas. I have to lose between 5-10kg. Thats 11-22 freedom per eagel (lb).
. . .
I bulked and even though i ate a lot, i really didnt get fat. Thats why i was so surprised how fat i got during my one moth vacation because while obviously not training and doing my cardio it's not like I stuffed my self like a pig.

I have my diet and cardio dialed in, this isnt my first diet.

These statements are contradictory.

Christmas was months ago.

Get to work and stop looking for miracle cures.

Sometimes people forget how catabolic a diet as a natural is compared to an enhanced person.

You're 23. It won't be that catabolic, and your testosterone will go up (and your estrogen will go down) as you get leaner.

But please could you explain to me what my baseline igf1 will help/tell me?

Whether there is any need for hgh.

The fatburning effect of HGH doesnt coke primarl through igf1 (the musclebuilding effect is primary mediated through igf1 from what i understand).
Sounds like you already know everything and are going to do what you are going to do. Your natural growth hormone, however, does all that other stuff that you think IGF-1 does not do. It's not like you don't have growth hormone unless you inject it.

Set up your high protein diet and hit the stair master.

HGH will make practically no difference for you all by itself. I doubt you could tell the difference doing a cut with or without it. It is not like steroids where you could inject steroids, starve yourself of carbs and fats on a ridiculous calorie deficit and keep a bunch of muscle if you do resistance training (and no, I am not suggesting you do that).

Had you been cutting from Christmas to now at 2 pounds a week you would already be down 22 pounds/10 kgs. You would have already met your goal, in other words.
These statements are contradictory.

Christmas was months ago.

Get to work and stop looking for miracle cures.

You're 23. It won't be that catabolic, and your testosterone will go up (and your estrogen will go down) as you get leaner.

Whether there is any need for hgh.

Sounds like you already know everything and are going to do what you are going to do. Your natural growth hormone, however, does all that other stuff that you think IGF-1 does not do. It's not like you don't have growth hormone unless you inject it.

Set up your high protein diet and hit the stair master.

HGH will make practically no difference for you all by itself. I doubt you could tell the difference doing a cut with or without it. It is not like steroids where you could inject steroids, starve yourself of carbs and fats on a ridiculous calorie deficit and keep a bunch of muscle if you do resistance training (and no, I am not suggesting you do that).

Had you been cutting from Christmas to now at 2 pounds a week you would already be down 22 pounds/10 kgs. You would have already met your goal, in other words.
Yes i wont take the HGH, i have still time till summer and as you said, if i had done a diet already in january i would have been almost finished.

And im not saying i have figured everything out im just explaining my thoughts behind my actions to illustrate why i did thing like i did. Never claimed im right. These are two different things
Yes i wont take the HGH, i have still time till summer and as you said, if i had done a diet already in january i would have been almost finished.

And im not saying i have figured everything out im just explaining my thoughts behind my actions to illustrate why i did thing like i did. Never claimed im right. These are two different things
At 23, you are never again going to have this easy of a time cutting.

Do it.

Enjoy it.

Later, when you are older, it will be much more difficult. That's life.
Yeah you are right, if i cant cut now, what am i going to do later
Trust me , save the hgh for later in life "WHEN YOU ARE" gonna need it! and trust me , if you are already using PEDS at your age , its likely by the time you get in your 40-50's your gonna wish you had hgh to fall back on, js Good luck on your journey,, And im in the over 50 club ughh,,
Trust me , save the hgh for later in life "WHEN YOU ARE" gonna need it! and trust me , if you are already using PEDS at your age , its likely by the time you get in your 40-50's your gonna wish you had hgh to fall back on, js Good luck on your journey,, And im in the over 50 club ughh,,
This may sound really weird, but if everything goes right, my next cycle will be my last cycle. The reason for this is simple. I realised that as long as im not taking PEDs continously i cant hold much more than my maximum of natural muscle mass.

However till I reached my absolut max. natural muscle mass I will probably be something like 30. A age where this probably wont be that important for me anymore and im planning to have my first child etc.

So basiacally the reason im taking PEDs to reach my natural max muscle mass now (which im able to hold without PEDs).
To be honest i probably would have reached that already last year but..... we a girl came into mylife, i went on vacation with her, we fought, alot of stress and some other tragedys.. anyways now im single and i wont take any breaks. This time I want everything to be perfect.

I know this is a different topic on this whole matter but its mine