HGH blood test question


New Member

Age 37
I have been on HGH 2iu morning/2iu afternoon split for 3 months.
I have been using this source for years with gear and it has always been great. I do not know if it is just me or the HGH but I do not feel like it is working.
I am going to take a blood test.

Is the standard protocol to inject 5iu and get a test 2-3 hours later?
10iu injected IM, with blood test 3 hours after seems to be standard protocol for GH Serum blood test. Gh Serum blood tests can be hit or miss depending on the timing though, which is why people reccomend IGF-1 testing

The other blood test is IGF-1 test. This is the more prominent and reliable form of testing. That said there are many factors that can reduce IGF-1 levels. Sleep, stress, excessive exercising, certain steroids can skew it (tren), medications, diet and calorie restrictions

So if you want to truly see if it's good HGH or not, I'd probably reccomend both a GH Serum test as well as an IGF1 test. If the GH Serum tests High it should in theory carry over to the IGF-1 test, but not always. Some people are poor responders to IGF1 increases, either due to individualized response or some of the factors I mentioned before