Great, thank you for your interest in my writing. Some guys think their experience is the only one out there. To be fair, testosterone and AAS probably do amplify the ego, make us feel invincible a bit.Thank you! I have read quite a few of your posts and look forward to your book. I am genuinely surprised as to why some of the guys here don’t seem to understand that I would be seeking lower doses.
To your question, any brand is basically equivalent; but you're absolutely right to consider sex because it is always relevant with hormones.
For rhGH, the primary factors that affect GH response are estrogens & body size. Both estrogens (oral > transdermal) & body size (larger bodies > smaller bodies) affect rhGH dosing by "pulling" on it, such that you have to respond by "pushing" up the dose.
If you're small, e.g., 52 kg & not on estrogens, then a lower dose is potent for you. If you're large, e.g., 75+ kg & on estrogens, then a much higher dose is needed for you vs. the other extreme.