Hgh brand for women

Thank you! I have read quite a few of your posts and look forward to your book. I am genuinely surprised as to why some of the guys here don’t seem to understand that I would be seeking lower doses.
Great, thank you for your interest in my writing. Some guys think their experience is the only one out there. To be fair, testosterone and AAS probably do amplify the ego, make us feel invincible a bit.

To your question, any brand is basically equivalent; but you're absolutely right to consider sex because it is always relevant with hormones.

For rhGH, the primary factors that affect GH response are estrogens & body size. Both estrogens (oral > transdermal) & body size (larger bodies > smaller bodies) affect rhGH dosing by "pulling" on it, such that you have to respond by "pushing" up the dose.

If you're small, e.g., 52 kg & not on estrogens, then a lower dose is potent for you. If you're large, e.g., 75+ kg & on estrogens, then a much higher dose is needed for you vs. the other extreme.
it means you havent read anything about GH whatsoever.

1. search for someone who sells HGH. you find someone who's only selling minimum 300 IU and you plan to use 0.5 IU a day.Meaning it will be 600 days worth of hgh if u use non stop.
2."Omnitrope (somatropin [rDNA origin] for injection), 5.8 mg, will have a 24-month shelf life when stored at 2 - 8°C in a light-tight container." It will have years storing it -20celsius.

So you question is stupid no matter.
it means you havent read anything about GH whatsoever.

1. search for someone who sells HGH. you find someone who's only selling minimum 300 IU and you plan to use 0.5 IU a day.Meaning it will be 600 days worth of hgh if u use non stop.
2."Omnitrope (somatropin [rDNA origin] for injection), 5.8 mg, will have a 24-month shelf life when stored at 2 - 8°C in a light-tight container." It will have years storing it -20celsius.

So you question is stupid no matter.
Depends on Omnitrope formulation. You don't want to freeze premixed Omnis.

Different rhGH formulations have different Storage & Handling instructions.
I meant more that even premixed solutions have 2 years shelf life.

Most generics are not premixed and will go beyond 2 years at -10-20c. I meant this but English is obv not my original language.
Great, thank you for your interest in my writing. Some guys think their experience is the only one out there. To be fair, testosterone and AAS probably do amplify the ego, make us feel invincible a bit.

To your question, any brand is basically equivalent; but you're absolutely right to consider sex because it is always relevant with hormones.

For rhGH, the primary factors that affect GH response are estrogens & body size. Both estrogens (oral > transdermal) & body size (larger bodies > smaller bodies) affect rhGH dosing by "pulling" on it, such that you have to respond by "pushing" up the dose.

If you're small, e.g., 52 kg & not on estrogens, then a lower dose is potent for you. If you're large, e.g., 75+ kg & on estrogens, then a much higher dose is needed for you vs. the other extreme.
Probably tmi but yes im small 58kg and on transdermal estrogen patches but the lowest dose. Id also heard anecdotes about estrogens having more of an impact on generics than pharma. No idea if that is nonsense.
it means you havent read anything about GH whatsoever.

1. search for someone who sells HGH. you find someone who's only selling minimum 300 IU and you plan to use 0.5 IU a day.Meaning it will be 600 days worth of hgh if u use non stop.
2."Omnitrope (somatropin [rDNA origin] for injection), 5.8 mg, will have a 24-month shelf life when stored at 2 - 8°C in a light-tight container." It will have years storing it -20celsius.

So you question is stupid no matter.
As long as my stupid question got answered Im good. Thanks for the info.
Probably tmi but yes im small 58kg and on transdermal estrogen patches but the lowest dose. Id also heard anecdotes about estrogens having more of an impact on generics than pharma. No idea if that is nonsense.
That's good, assuming your height is approx. 157.50 cm, then a dose of 0.95 IU rhGH should give you high-normal IGF-I, factoring in your likely body surface area & transdermal estrogen contraception.

1 mg rhGH = 3 IU rhGH

That's all the info you should pretty much need!

Oh, also, that's not correct that estrogens have more of an impact on generics vs. pharma.
That's good, assuming your height is approx. 157.50 cm, then a dose of 0.95 IU rhGH should give you high-normal IGF-I, factoring in your likely body surface area & transdermal estrogen contraception.

1 mg rhGH = 3 IU rhGH

That's all the info you should pretty much need!

Oh, also, that's not correct that estrogens have more of an impact on generics vs. pharma.
Wait can you see me??!! Lol that was surprisingly close. Thanks again. I really appreciate your input.
That's good, assuming your height is approx. 157.50 cm, then a dose of 0.95 IU rhGH should give you high-normal IGF-I, factoring in your likely body surface area & transdermal estrogen contraception.

1 mg rhGH = 3 IU rhGH

That's all the info you should pretty much need!

Oh, also, that's not correct that estrogens have more of an impact on generics vs. pharma.
Can I ask what the equation you’re using for dosage is? Also very interesting about the estrogen. Super good info.
Lol not really. But im a woman over 50 only interested in anti aging so the volume I would need wouldn’t be comparable to a larger male bb. Im more concerned about ordering too large of a quantity and having to toss due to shelf life. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the op
Shelf life is over rated with powdered HGH, where it really starts to degrade is once its reconstituted, ready for injection. In its powder form, its good for 12mths+.... I can't give you any more past that as I've only run HGH I had that was 12mths old and it was still GTG. I suspect it will store in its powdered state for years with little/no degradation.

Just take some basic precautions like keeping it in the fridge, though even that in its powdered form isn't critical in the short term.

From memory, female dosage is around the 2iu/d range (I've not studied it to much though), so a reconstituted 10iu vial will last you 5 days which is fine. So a 100iu kit will last you 50 days.
@Type-IIx. I'm 51f ~75kg, ~170cm, not on estrogen, partial hysterectomy 13 years ago - so not sure what stage of menopause I'm in. I've had a few hot flashes about a year ago, nothing subbed. I have drastically changed my lifestyle from sedentary to lifting 5x/week with cardio and have lost 55lbs. If did have great gains as far as strength and body recomp. However I've lost some of that due to gallbladder issues just pre Thanksgiving, had it removed 12/29/23, so still recovering. Still losing weight overall, but I feel like I've drastically lost a lot of muscle mass and replaced it with fat. Also I do have blood panel from a few months ago, doc said everything was in normal range for my age. I was honest with her about my usage of UGL products. From about the age of 10 to agree 35 I was very into sports and keeping my body fit. Stopped to enjoy Mom life. Trying to get back to as close to that as possible - aging sucks.

Been taking 2iu hgh. Was considering going up to 3iu for skin improvement, recomp, as well as lipolysis. Would this be a better dose?

I've not used this site much. Do you have a link to your book? A lot of the technical info is sometimes above my head. But I am great with numbers, if I have a formula.
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@Type-IIx. I'm 51f ~75kg, ~170cm, not on estrogen, partial hysterectomy 13 years ago - so not sure what stage of menopause I'm in. I've had a few hot flashes about a year ago, nothing subbed. I have drastically changed my lifestyle from sedentary to lifting 5x/week with cardio and have lost 55lbs. If did have great gains as far as strength and body recomp. However I've lost some of that due to gallbladder issues just pre Thanksgiving, had it removed 12/29/23, so still recovering. Still losing weight overall, but I feel like I've drastically lost a lot of muscle mass and replaced it with fat. Also I do have blood panel from a few months ago, doc said everything was in normal range for my age. I was honest with her about my usage of UGL products. From about the age of 10 to agree 35 I was very into sports and keeping my body fit. Stopped to enjoy Mom life. Trying to get back to as close to that as possible - aging sucks.

Been taking 2iu hgh. Was considering going up to 3iu for skin improvement, recomp, as well as lipolysis. Would this be a better dose?

I've not used this site much. Do you have a link to your book? A lot of the technical info is sometimes above my head. But I am great with numbers, if I have a formula.
I'm just happy to see another woman here! How did your doc react when you told them? I started a super low dose of serostim a week ago and tbh the joint pain is absolutely brutal. I'm jealous of your 2IU. I'm going to throw in a diuretic and see what happens.
I'm just happy to see another woman here! How did your doc react when you told them? I started a super low dose of serostim a week ago and tbh the joint pain is absolutely brutal. I'm jealous of your 2IU. I'm going to throw in a diuretic and see what happens.
Are you titrating up your dose or did you jump straight to a decent dose? Anecdotally (and for myself personally) it seems that very slowly titrating up from a small dose really helps reduce sides. Also could try adding in dandelion root (natural diuretic) for water retention, and/or ALA supplement at 600mg a day to reduce symptoms. ALA worked for me personally. Some suggest r-ALA as it’s more bioavailable but ALA works just fine for me.

Edit: I’m a guy, but these things work for my female partner as well.