Hgh brand for women

Are you titrating up your dose or did you jump straight to a decent dose? Anecdotally (and for myself personally) it seems that very slowly titrating up from a small dose really helps reduce sides. Also could try adding in dandelion root (natural diuretic) for water retention, and/or ALA supplement at 600mg a day to reduce symptoms. ALA worked for me personally. Some suggest r-ALA as it’s more bioavailable but ALA works just fine for me.

Edit: I’m a guy, but these things work for my female partner as well.
I started at 1iu. Now im going down to .5 eod until my body adjusts. I ordered dandelion root yesterday but we are buried in snow so I took 50mg of pamabrom this morning. Keeping my fingers crossed. Whats weird is I don’t feel like I am retaining water. Belly is flat, hands and feet don't look puffy. Appreciate your input!
I started at 1iu. Now im going down to .5 eod until my body adjusts. I ordered dandelion root yesterday but we are buried in snow so I took 50mg of pamabrom this morning. Keeping my fingers crossed. Whats weird is I don’t feel like I am retaining water. Belly is flat, hands and feet don't look puffy. Appreciate your input!
That sounds like a solid plan! Hope slowly working up helps you! I had to very slowly climb up doses to keep sides at bay, but then when I got to my dose I noticed almost all sides drop off, especially with the Ala.