HGH for chronic back pain/disk degeneration?


New Member

I'm a 30yr old woman and have had some persistent problems with few of my discs/vertebrae, seems there has been some trauma to it due to sports or some injury, but I don't recall what in particular could have done that and no doctor has told me anything too useful besides having some modic type changes on two vertebrae and disc dehydration and that they don't know what to do about it...
I've had it for about 10 years and it has sort of morphed during that time a bit. I've tried so many things (including chiropractors and physical therapy, which maybe was just very inadequate, but hard to say... also all kinds of acupuncture type things etc, I've even tried nandrolone a few years back, which hey great muscles but no help for the back really).

Nothing seems to be helping much, I have chronic pain every day, especially in the morning and had to drop out of sports school and kind of not pursue sports because of it, but it's killing my psyche and I really miss working out a lot and in general being able to move like I'm 30 not 90 would be great.

I keep hearing that HGH could help with that, but don't have enough info or people to ask about it. So I'm asking here - does anybody here have some experience with it in this regard? Or know of somebody who used it to solve some similar problem? What would be the recommended dose for such thing and for a female my age?

Thanks a lot for reading
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Hgh with rehab did Wonders for my lower back

Its prolly most likely to work tho if its a simple back strain (muscle spasm/tightness/knots)

I'm a 30yr old woman and have had some persistent problems with few of my discs/vertebrae, seems there has been some trauma to it due to sports or some injury, but I don't recall what in particular could have done that and no doctor has told me anything too useful besides having some modic type changes on two vertebrae and disc dehydration and that they don't know what to do about it...
I've had it for about 10 years and it has sort of morphed during that time a bit. I've tried so many things (including chiropractors and physical therapy, which maybe was just very inadequate, but hard to say... also all kinds of acupuncture type things etc, I've even tried nandrolone a few years back, which hey great muscles but no help for the back really).

Nothing seems to be helping much, I have chronic pain every day, especially in the morning and had to drop out of sports school and kind of not pursue sports because of it, but it's killing my psyche and I really miss working out a lot and in general being able to move like I'm 30 not 90 would be great.

I keep hearing that HGH could help with that, but don't have enough info or people to ask about it. So I'm asking here - does anybody here have some experience with it in this regard? Or know of somebody who used it to solve some similar problem? What would be the recommended dose for such thing and for a female my age?

Thanks a lot for reading
Well, it depends. If it's truly an issue of a bulging disc or protruding mass impinging a nerve then I doubt HGH would help and might make it worse. Reason I say that is HGH promotes water retention everywhere in your body and this is usually a good thing. Excellent for muscle tissue but too much can be kinda painful in certain areas. Swelling around a compressed nerve is not what you want. Again, this is only my concern if you have an inflamed/bulging disc. Btw, if you had a herniated disc then HGH is definitely not a good idea until that mass is removed.

On the other hand, if it's more muscular or other soft tissue related then yes HGH can help but it'll take a little time.

So, you need to get a better diagnosis of what's going on in your back. Where exactly is the pain centered? Any radiculopathy?
Well, it depends. If it's truly an issue of a bulging disc or protruding mass impinging a nerve then I doubt HGH would help and might make it worse. Reason I say that is HGH promotes water retention everywhere in your body and this is usually a good thing. Excellent for muscle tissue but too much can be kinda painful in certain areas. Swelling around a compressed nerve is not what you want. Again, this is only my concern if you have an inflamed/bulging disc. Btw, if you had a herniated disc then HGH is definitely not a good idea until that mass is removed.

On the other hand, if it's more muscular or other soft tissue related then yes HGH can help but it'll take a little time.

So, you need to get a better diagnosis of what's going on in your back. Where exactly is the pain centered? Any radiculopathy?

Listen to this guy

I'm a 30yr old woman and have had some persistent problems with few of my discs/vertebrae, seems there has been some trauma to it due to sports or some injury, but I don't recall what in particular could have done that and no doctor has told me anything too useful besides having some modic type changes on two vertebrae and disc dehydration and that they don't know what to do about it...
I've had it for about 10 years and it has sort of morphed during that time a bit. I've tried so many things (including chiropractors and physical therapy, which maybe was just very inadequate, but hard to say... also all kinds of acupuncture type things etc, I've even tried nandrolone a few years back, which hey great muscles but no help for the back really).

Nothing seems to be helping much, I have chronic pain every day, especially in the morning and had to drop out of sports school and kind of not pursue sports because of it, but it's killing my psyche and I really miss working out a lot and in general being able to move like I'm 30 not 90 would be great.

I keep hearing that HGH could help with that, but don't have enough info or people to ask about it. So I'm asking here - does anybody here have some experience with it in this regard? Or know of somebody who used it to solve some similar problem? What would be the recommended dose for such thing and for a female my age?

Thanks a lot for reading
This might be good read for you. 23 females in this group study that had chronic lower back pain. Not sure exactly where or what's happening with your back? A little more info is needed as was asked previously.

Use of localized human growth hormone and testosterone injections in addition to manual therapy and exercise for lower back pain: a case series with 12-month follow-up

When I was having a year long battle with severe sciatica from 2 bulging discs, I did an enormous amount of research on various sites, including a back pain specific forum. Nowhere did I see HGH as even an option anyone tried. Not saying it wouldn't help,but I wouldn't expect much, if anything from it.

You can try it, but its pricey as you probably already know. It's kinda if you can afford it and want to test it, go for it.
Thanks for all the replies.

The study I've read, but it's about all I found, so looking for more info and hands on experience from people.

I don't have a bulging disc (much). I have two disc that are drying out and are lower than they should be and have modic type-I changes, and have/had slightly damaged vertebrae associated with those discs (modic type I and II changes).

So if it helps with hydration, that would be good I think.

Nobody was able to tell me the cause, it seems to be physical trauma to the tissue, but somehow has been going on for years and isn't able to heal properly on its own.

I have several MRIs and an X-RAY, so I do have a diagnosis.
I have flat lordosis and slight scoliosis, beginning of degenerative spondylosis with osteochondrosis of L2/3 and a bit of L4/5 discs. There is a slight narrowing of the left nerve canal near the L2/3.

Problem is that even when I exercise my spine somehow doesn't want to get into the proper alignment, because the building blocks are damaged and they seem to try and go outside the proper alignment to take the pressure away from them,The pain is pretty much located to one spot and that is the L2/3 disc area and hurts the most in the morning (I've tried many mattress and seems like none help) a I feel a bit split in half and feel like I cannot really put my whole weight on that disc as I would like.

Some exercise helps to a degree, but feel like it's just not enough.

Do you guys think the HGH could work for that? Which type and how many units and for how long? (I'm pretty slim 110 lbs and about 5.3ft). I don't really have interest in some big muscle building, just enough to help my body be stronger, really I'm looking for the repair effect the most.

Thank you
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Seems like a great case for BPC-157/TB-500.

I'd run that for a couple months first.

Sounds interesting... I can see it's used for horses but also for experimenting. You guys have experience with it? Is it safe for women?

What is that body protection compound thing? Doesn't say much.... Also is this something that I have to order somewhere or is it something known among bodybuilders and could get it through them?
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Sounds interesting... I can see it's used for horses but also for experimenting. You guys have experience with it? Is it safe for women?

Trying to understand if it's two compounds or just two different names for the same thing. Also is this something that I have to order somewhere or is it something known among bodybuilders and could get it through them?

One increases blood flow, the other reduces inflammation.

From personal experience, i had much much better results with HGH.

But again, compounds like HGH, bpc, tb500 etc are prolly best used for muscle, tendon, ligament, joint injuries etc

I wonder if stem cells would do you any good
One increases blood flow, the other reduces inflammation.

From personal experience, i had much much better results with HGH.

But again, compounds like HGH, bpc, tb500 etc are prolly best used for muscle, tendon, ligament, joint injuries etc

I wonder if stem cells would do you any good

Hmmm ok, interesting... I hope I can get more info from some friends about hot to use it/dose etc..

How would you go about it if you were me? What combo would you go for?

Stem cells sound cool, but no doctor here has offered me anything like that nor I think anybody here does something like that or at least I haven't heard of it, so guess I'm a bit out of luck in this way.
I started at 3 iu daily and slowly increased to 4 iu over a few months

With HGH it really does seem like the healing compounds over time, the longer you stay on the better

In terms of a HGH source, you could look around in here for info on TP, and do some search on meditrope HGH

I would be glad to help you with dosing etc if you have any questions

But again, i really could not say if it would help you. It really shines in soft tissue injuries

Have doctors suggested that surgery could help?
I started at 3 iu daily and slowly increased to 4 iu over a few months

With HGH it really does seem like the healing compounds over time, the longer you stay on the better

In terms of a HGH source, you could look around in here for info on TP, and do some search on meditrope HGH

I would be glad to help you with dosing etc if you have any questions

But again, i really could not say if it would help you. It really shines in soft tissue injuries

Have doctors suggested that surgery could help?

Hmmm.. ok, and doeas the size/weight of the person matter for the dosing? I wonder if 3 or 4 is not already a lot for me if you started at 3 and assume are a huge dude :) ?

Also would the dose be lower if I combined it with one of the mentioned tb500/bpc ?

And how many months do you think would be necessary? it is quite pricey so need to consider how long I could afford it.

No doctor offered me any solution. One told me there is nothing to do about it and I can only wait until it gets all effed up and then have a surgery and another told me it's not for surgery that I should exercise, though I wish it was all that simple as "just exercise".

I know it's probably a bit of a stretch as it is not an acute and soft tissue surgery, but increased blood flow and water retention seem like they could be exactly IT.

Any concrete suggestion as to on what dose to start, which of the two substances (tb/bpc) to combine and how long it should be taken?
Hmmm.. ok, and doeas the size/weight of the person matter for the dosing? I wonder if 3 or 4 is not already a lot for me if you started at 3 and assume are a huge dude :) ?

Also would the dose be lower if I combined it with one of the mentioned tb500/bpc ?

And how many months do you think would be necessary? it is quite pricey so need to consider how long I could afford it.

No doctor offered me any solution. One told me there is nothing to do about it and I can only wait until it gets all effed up and then have a surgery and another told me it's not for surgery that I should exercise, though I wish it was all that simple as "just exercise".

I know it's probably a bit of a stretch as it is not an acute and soft tissue surgery, but increased blood flow and water retention seem like they could be exactly IT.

Any concrete suggestion as to on what dose to start, which of the two substances (tb/bpc) to combine and how long it should be taken?

Well i guess if you are bent on going all in

Bpc 250 mcg once daily
Tb500 2-3 mg once or twice a week
Hgh 3-4 iu (4 iu is plenty) daily

Everything can be injected subq (stomach fat for instance)

No time limit, run until funds run out

If possible at all, physio therapy rehab exercises would also do you a lot of good

Consider not dosing bpc 157 on training days, as it seems to increase blood flow and swelling (think similar to avoiding using heat pads post workout)

Purepeptides have quality bpc and tb500, and they also sell bac water

Still tho, im sceptical if it would help, at least Long term, but i understand your frustration in wanting to solve the problem, so why not try it i guess :)

You could try to aim for using bpc and tb500 for a few months, and aim at using hgh for 6-12 months

Generic HGH now a days is not that pricy
Well i guess if you are bent on going all in

Bpc 250 mcg once daily
Tb500 2-3 mg once or twice a week
Hgh 3-4 iu (4 iu is plenty) daily

Everything can be injected subq (stomach fat for instance)

No time limit, run until funds run out

If possible at all, physio therapy rehab exercises would also do you a lot of good

Consider not dosing bpc 157 on training days, as it seems to increase blood flow and swelling (think similar to avoiding using heat pads post workout)

Purepeptides have quality bpc and tb500, and they also sell bac water

Still tho, im sceptical if it would help, at least Long term, but i understand your frustration in wanting to solve the problem, so why not try it i guess :)

You could try to aim for using bpc and tb500 for a few months, and aim at using hgh for 6-12 months

Generic HGH now a days is not that pricy

Wow, that sounds expensive :D

Ok and If I was to chose only one of the TB or BPC which one?
Also is it ok to take in capsules or bad idea? I know the HGH is injection only, but if I can reduce the amount of needles a day I wouldn't mind - not exactly something I enjoy much.

Ofc the physiotherapy/exercice is a given, I don't expect it to do miracles on it's own. Also plan to add decent doses of some joint supplement (though on their own I didnt find them helpful).

I'm not too hopeful of anything anymore either, but Im really too young to feel like this, it really reduces the quality of my life a lot.

My hope is that if I can heal it and allow my spine to align properly and keep it that way with muscles.

HGH for 12 months I probably wouldn't be able to afford. Do you think doing a few weeks of BPC+TB and then maybe 2-3 months of HGH could have some decent effect or that's too short amount of time?
Wow, that sounds expensive :D

Ok and If I was to chose only one of the TB or BPC which one?
Also is it ok to take in capsules or bad idea? I know the HGH is injection only, but if I can reduce the amount of needles a day I wouldn't mind - not exactly something I enjoy much.

Ofc the physiotherapy/exercice is a given, I don't expect it to do miracles on it's own. Also plan to add decent doses of some joint supplement (though on their own I didnt find them helpful).

I'm not too hopeful of anything anymore either, but Im really too young to feel like this, it really reduces the quality of my life a lot.

My hope is that if I can heal it and allow my spine to align properly and keep it that way with muscles.

HGH for 12 months I probably wouldn't be able to afford. Do you think doing a few weeks of BPC+TB and then maybe 2-3 months of HGH could have some decent effect or that's too short amount of time?

I can't find the site you mentioned, but somebody posted the thymosine labs, which looks alright, could that one be recommended as well?
Ok, so I've decided to go with TB-500 for starters (and if I can get BPC-157 in capsules...I'm not yet ready to inject myself every day, feel like I need to get used to it and TB only needs to be injected 2x a week plus I hear lots of people on forums have great success with it).

I will see how it goes after a few weeks and maybe try adding HGH later.

Anyways- Im looking for a reliable vendor for the peptides. purepeptidesuk.com Im a bit unsure of as there are a few similar sites and some seem to be trying to rip off the main UK site which should be the reliable one. u/HGHlover are you sure this was the correct one (sorry for asking again, I want to make sure it's reliable...) ? there is uk-peptide.com and peptidesuk.com as well and read some bad reviews on uk peptides just not sure which of those it was directed at.

Any other tips? I keep hearing Canlab is good and am interested in the ThymosinLabs, as they have the capsule version of the BPC. any experience?