HGH for joint pain/injuries

Yes. GH excess causes tendinopathy, osteoarthritis, bony overgrowth, edema, etc.

You can’t just blast any of these drugs, hormones, growth factors, stupidly, and not expect significant functional decrements over the life course as a result.

It’s not all benefit, there are tradeoffs inherent to every intervention in life!
Fantastic summary. Well done!

View: https://youtu.be/VA7J0KkanzM?si=MK5AH4cPtb9iIycH

Pay to play.
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This struck me as very counterintuitive. I had assumed the anabolic properties of GH on connective tissue would help preserve my joint health, reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, and help maintain my mobility and training capacity into advanced ages. Upon looking into it more though, you are absolutely right.

This definitely changes the calculation around whether it's wise to run this compound through middle age.
shouldn't be, fat folks have higher IGF and have all those issues TYPE mentioned because of that. certainly confounding factors however as I always say "no free lunch", even the slight increase in blood sugar is prob worse for us then most people appreciate even when/if sub sub clinical.
shouldn't be, fat folks have higher IGF and have all those issues TYPE mentioned because of that. certainly confounding factors however as I always say "no free lunch", even the slight increase in blood sugar is prob worse for us then most people appreciate even when/if sub sub clinical.
High blood sugar, but also heavy fat persons walking on hips and knees . . .

Oh, guess who else is heavy?


Your knees were made to carry around 150 pounds, not 250 pounds.

Female knees were made to carry something more like 100 pounds. The average female is now heavier than the average male in 1960. Plenty of women carrying around twice the weight for which their knees were designed.

Over the years this additional weight causes problems.

All you guys in your 20s think it won't happen to you.
Both medial meniscus gone. Take care of those joints you muscular obese folks.

Pay to play.
High blood sugar, but also heavy fat persons walking on hips and knees . . .

Oh, guess who else is heavy?


Your knees were made to carry around 150 pounds, not 250 pounds.

Female knees were made to carry something more like 100 pounds. The average female is now heavier than the average male in 1960. Plenty of women carrying around twice the weight for which their knees were designed.

Over the years this additional weight causes problems.

All you guys in your 20s think it won't happen to you.
I have suffered with golfers elbow for quite a while and tried everything under the sun and work my elbows daily for an hour both at the gym and home. Flexbar, cortizone shots, ice, bpc157, tb500, rest etc have not done much. I recently added NPP150 to my TRT regiment after reading about the joint health it provides and for the first time in a few years my elbows are showing improvement and overall feel better since I added the NPP.
This is what I'm struggling with also (golfer's elbow). I hoped GH would help, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect, besides raising my fasting glucose alarmingly. Sounds like nandrolone may be a more useful PED for this scenario.
A couple weeks of both, elbow felt better, and then I started training again and it came back again within a week.
That happens to me all the time.

The solution is more of both. Longer time off. Longer rehab period. Be patient. It's tough, I know. I've been there.

But the human body just takes time to repair.

Time off to give the inflammation time to settle down. Perhaps more than a couple of weeks.

Then that embarrassing period in the gym where you are using super low weights to rehab it.

I tend to do the hgh the entire time, including during the rest period. Maybe TypeII-X will tell me I am wrong. I haven't done the research on whether that is a good idea, but it seems to have ben working in my anecdotal, non-double blind tested or randomized experience.
Hi guys, I would like to use HGH, BPC157 and TB500 because of various joint problems. I have already ordered. However, I still have concerns about HGH. I had a foreign material inserted into the bone in my ankle. Can HGH cause something like that to be rejected? I would also be happy to receive a protocol, can anyone recommend a protocol? How long should you take the peptides? I only wanted to inject 1.5-2 IU of HGH.
Hi guys, I would like to use HGH, BPC157 and TB500 because of various joint problems. I have already ordered. However, I still have concerns about HGH. I had a foreign material inserted into the bone in my ankle. Can HGH cause something like that to be rejected? I would also be happy to receive a protocol, can anyone recommend a protocol? How long should you take the peptides? I only wanted to inject 1.5-2 IU of HGH.
joint problems? The hgh may or may NOT help your joint problems , the bpc/tb500 will "aid" in the joints possibly, foreign material like a screw, pin , plate ?? You should probably do ALOT more research on the use of hgh to get a better understanding, and the dose you want to do is minimal at best,,,,
@Ateam2023 no. I'm talking about bone replacement material? Can hgh reject this material? I only want to inject 1.5-2 IU. Do you have a protocol that you can recommend? The more you read, the more difficult it is.
@Ateam2023 no. I'm talking about bone replacement material? Can hgh reject this material? I only want to inject 1.5-2 IU. Do you have a protocol that you can recommend? The more you read, the more difficult it is.
i don't think it would necessarily reject that, as most of bone replacement implants are designed to be biocompatible and usually aren't rejected by the body, and hgh promotes bone growth and healing which could "potentially " enhance integration with the implant rather than rejecting it,,,,
ich glaube nicht, dass es das unbedingt ablehnen würde, da die meisten Knochenersatzimplantate biokompatibel sind und normalerweise nicht vom Körper abgestoßen werden, und HGH fördert das Knochenwachstum und die Heilung, was „potenziell“ die Integration mit dem Implantat verbessern könnte, anstatt es abzustoßen,,,,