HGH for height before epiphysial growth plate closure


I am 15 and 5'9, with active growth plates. I weigh 140 with 10% body fat (sometimes more sometimes less) looking to gain 1-2 inches. Would HGH help me achieve this goal?

If I was to do this, I would definitely be safe and calculated as to not heck with my body negatively. My plan is to start at 2 iu/day and work my way up to 4 IU/day total spread out between two injections AM/PM. I already diet extremely well and even do intermittent fasting which should complement the HGH use fairly well in terms of insulin resistance. I have funds and storage plans mapped out and have done sufficient research into side effects and what to use

My question is would usage be worth it? I only have around 1 year max left before epiphyseal closure and usually HGH takes a while for noticeable effects. Also, is there any way to delay epiphyseal closer via aromatase inhibitors or any other methods, thanks!
Whilst im not condoning this plan, the science does show that aromatase enzyme inhibitors delay epiphyseal fusion facilitating greater final adult height.

The combination of GH and AIs would likely yield greater results than either alone. HGH accelerates chondrogenesis, and AIs slow growth plate senescence by reducing osteogenesis.

However you are 5’9”, the taller you grow the shorter your life expectancy becomes, perhaps you are unaware, but its unhealthy to be tall contrary to popular belief that being taller means your healthier, the science has shown the opposite to be true.
When you signed up you agreed to terms that you are over 18

you are a normal height. Stop doing this to fuck with it. Who knows the damage it will cause down the road and it isn't worth it for you

This Service is only available to users who are at least 18 years old. If you are younger than this, please do not register for this Service. If you register for this Service, you represent that you are this age or older.
You got a long way to go OP, so @Millard should show you the door and you can come back in 3 years.

A word of advice, DON'T TOUCH AAS OR HGH at your age!!!! Get another 10 years of training and diet under your belt then you can revisit this.
When you signed up you agreed to terms that you are over 18

you are a normal height. Stop doing this to fuck with it. Who knows the damage it will cause down the road and it isn't worth it for you
Lol good point, this dude straight up violated the rules. I bet he also visits porn sites claiming hes legal age, the balls on this kid!
nope not worth it... chances are your head will grow first and look crazy with big ears and nose, never mind your organs and get a distended belly. messing with hormones prior to 25 is CRAZY.. chances are your plates are near closed and the studies that show kids growing with hgh is when they are very young and deficient as takes a long time for growth. also will probably have higher chance of breaking bones aswell as potentially lead to cancer cells growing larger faster. aswell as mess with your blood sugar and will prob end up making you heal slower and develop diabetes.

WTF is going on in this world that so many children come here wanting to grow taller.

ive said this before, money is better spent on a councillor to make you ok with your natural healthy self... cherish this time dont waste money and mess with your body and potentially aging soo much faster to MAYBE gain 1cm..

even if could guarantee would grow an extra inch 100% not worth the risk or the $$...hgh isn't what its cracked up to be and others said, just ages u faster and grows your heart and head and makes u diabetic.. very bad road to head down as if such body dismorphia you think of injecting something at 15 it won't end there and look how it ends for those crazy looking ladies with face its and fillers.

go chase some girls around and work on your personality/self. shelf anything other than vitamins till ur 25 if not 30yo. NEVER do u hear someone say they started any type of gear earlier, PLENTY of people who regret starting so early..

focus just on getting good sleep, eat enough good food, drink water, reduce stress, get good work outs, keep weed and booze to minimum and u will reach your full potential.

clearheaded your so dumb your head and ears are not gonna grow from using HGH for a few years. you don't need to be deficient for it to work it is used for idiopathic short stature and they still see a double in their height velocity.​
