Just started pharma GH and suddenly worse sleep quality

I have sleep problems taking hgh before bed also, I have to take it in the morning regardless of what kind I have (ugl vs pharma).

I did get some lethargy during the day when I first started this go 'round, but eventually it went away. I'm now up to 4iu a day with really no sides. Been on since like March I think.
are you using all 4iu with morning dose or are you splitting?
which its app are you using as mines not working anymore it goes to a dark screen when I try and scan a qrcode
How much sleep are you guys getting on GH? I'm sleeping way more than usual, like 10 hours a day like my body needs more rest. Anyone else experience the same thing?
How much sleep are you guys getting on GH? I'm sleeping way more than usual, like 10 hours a day like my body needs more rest. Anyone else experience the same thing?
My sleep is deeper not necessarily longer. I remember all my dreams and colors are way more vivid in those dreams. Some dreams are so life like they have me questioning them all day.
Considering dropping to 1 IU/day. In the meantime I take the occasional edible or benzo to help with sleep but it doesn't improve my HRV, etc. Also previously I took 4IU EOD which I feel was slightly better as the additional dosage didn't seem to make sleep that much worse but I got every other day completely off so I could sleep well.

Agree with the sleep suggestions except benzos. It seems like we're talking about medium quality sleep. Benzos should be reserved for bad-to-very bad.
They rarely make an OK thing better or a good thing great.

@Cohiba @tangenial
if 2iu was causing excess thirst and pee, please keep an eye on ur blood glucose. meters are cheap and prob good idea esp if continue to be extra thirsty...
Those of you with sleep issues on HGH, have you had IGF-1 tested?

I am curious as to whether there is any correlation between side effects and IGF-1. Maybe we are hyper-responders and need a smaller dose. Wishful thinking, maybe!
Those of you with sleep issues on HGH, have you had IGF-1 tested?

I am curious as to whether there is any correlation between side effects and IGF-1. Maybe we are hyper-responders and need a smaller dose. Wishful thinking, maybe!
Where i am from, IGF-1 testing is crazy expensive, it's even more costly than a full blood work panel, so i have never done it. But im also curious about this theory.
My sleep is deeper not necessarily longer. I remember all my dreams and colors are way more vivid in those dreams. Some dreams are so life like they have me questioning them all day.

And this is exactly why I started back up on it again.
But getting the timing down is extremely important.
Just trial and error.
Do it.