The Estrogen Handbook

Like Mands said, there is too much misinformation in this article. Not just about the gyno but also about adex and aromasin.

That's what makes articles like this dangerous.

He made several points where from personal experience I was like, yeah! right on!

Then there were some things said where I was like man, wtf?

So now I'm going to have to disregard everything in it that I cannot relate to from personal experience.

When Mands chimed in to the negative, at that point I further disregarded everything.
More garbage exists on PED forums about E-2 than any other hormone, excepting perhaps Prolactin.
More garbage exists on PED forums about E-2 than any other hormone, excepting perhaps Prolactin.

Yup. I think the thing most need to do is buy a little book and right down times they take anything, and how they feel EVERY day. Stats like body fat%, weight, diet, time of year etc.

I'm a person who doesn't like caffeine. If I drink coffee in the morning I may feel like shit later on.

If you aren't paying attention to what your putting in your body you won't reaize what's doing what.

Start out with one variable, master it, then start adding things. Only then will you know what's truly causing what.
I'm gonna use letro in my next cycle (test e with proviron), and I'm afraid of rebound...I'm planning to take 40 mg of nolva when I stop letro... Could it work?
If your "afraid" then running ANY AAS is not for you esp when what you're "afraid of" is concocted bro BS!
That's a good point Bro, I'll think about it, seriously . We all got something to learn and I was just looking for some info in order to plan better my cycle.
Clomid is a really harsh drug it should be avoided at all costs, if you get the visual sides/blurry vision from clomid they stay for life! They are rare but do happen

Bumping this thread so someone could shed some light on the dangers of Clomid that he states in this article. Never heard this, and was hoping for some light to be shed by an educated lad.
Wow this is amazing. I just did a Google search and found this thread while looking for some info. Then I see that the thread was created by myself 5 years ago. Need to get into my other account again.
Thanks for bumping this thread. I think its interesting even though not all of the ideas still hold up.

But the truth is, every estrogen related post that I click on, I'm actually just hoping to find a formestane source
Bumping this thread so someone could shed some light on the dangers of Clomid that he states in this article. Never heard this, and was hoping for some light to be shed by an educated lad.

I've used clomid a few times during PCT and I hate it, emotions are all over the place especially anger.

Letro is another I am not fond of as it makes me too lethargic.