HGH for injuries


so i have access to genotropin and omnitrope pharma hgh

i hurt my hamstring and wanna start using hgh to help with recovery... which one brand do you think would better for injury healing?

ive heard pfizer genotropin doesnt hold water cause they put something in it to flush water out which looks good but sounds like it would be bad when trying to heal injuries cause it would make joints worse and ive heard omnitrope holds more water than other pharma brands
This I'm interested in also. I will follow this. I used bpc157 and tb500 for my recovery and upped my testosterone to 600 a week for my recovery from the hip surgery.
Any GH, generic or pharma should help heal the injury much faster

People also talk heavily about the Peptides tb500 and BP 157 for healing injuries in combination with gh for maximum recovery. If I got injured, I would stack all 3 of these, but I hope I don't get to a point where I have to consider this an option
This I'm interested in also. I will follow this. I used bpc157 and tb500 for my recovery and upped my testosterone to 600 a week for my recovery from the hip surgery.

Any GH, generic or pharma should help heal the injury much faster

People also talk heavily about the Peptides tb500 and BP 157 for healing injuries in combination with gh for maximum recovery. If I got injured, I would stack all 3 of these, but I hope I don't get to a point where I have to consider this an option

I used TB500 and BPC157 for a moderate pec tear and I think they helped speed healing (impossible to know for sure), although in reflection I probably dosed on the low side.

Some people are getting really good results on 1-2 mg each daily. I was using half that.

If I ever get injured again, going with 2 mg each daily. Maybe maintenance/recovery dose 1 mg each.
so i have access to genotropin and omnitrope pharma hgh

i hurt my hamstring and wanna start using hgh to help with recovery... which one brand do you think would better for injury healing?

ive heard pfizer genotropin doesnt hold water cause they put something in it to flush water out which looks good but sounds like it would be bad when trying to heal injuries cause it would make joints worse and ive heard omnitrope holds more water than other pharma brands
The statement that any company puts a diuretic in their GH to flush water out is a complete and utter falsehood. Mannitol is used as a preservative and to maintain the integrity of the lyophilized powder, but that’s it. If any company put a diuretic in their GH in a high enough dosage to have diuretic properties, then the GH would have to be named as a combo drug.
The statement that any company puts a diuretic in their GH to flush water out is a complete and utter falsehood. Mannitol is used as a preservative and to maintain the integrity of the lyophilized powder, but that’s it. If any company put a diuretic in their GH in a high enough dosage to have diuretic properties, then the GH would have to be named as a combo drug.

Pharma GH enthusiasts have been touting this as the big reason to justify their preference of pharma GH since forever.

This feeling of pharma GH superiority really seems like a placebo effect. Hell, if I was spending 10x more I'd sure want it to be superior. Even better if you can tie in a pseudo-scientific justification like mannitol/diuretics.

"Don't knock it till you try it bro" -- I've used both at up to 10 IU/d and experienced no big differences in side effects.
Pharma GH enthusiasts have been touting this as the big reason to justify their preference of pharma GH since forever.

This feeling of pharma GH superiority really seems like a placebo effect. Hell, if I was spending 10x more I'd sure want it to be superior. Even better if you can tie in a pseudo-scientific justification like mannitol/diuretics.

"Don't knock it till you try it bro" -- I've used both at up to 10 IU/d and experienced no big differences in side effects.
good to know. cuz I aint spendin 10x unless there's good reason to
Hello, i am 38 years old, i am a soccer player and i am constantly plagued by injuries (one of the last ones was a tear in my posterior thigh muscle), i decided to recover quickly and my friend recommended hgh evalpharm. I ordered myself a 5 pack for long term at a very favorable price. now my dosage is 6 ui a day, i feel that my injury is healing faster and i feel good. maybe i will take something else for accompanying treatment but for now this is enough for me .
The label on the product will say what is in it. From any reputable company. I have used HGH numerous times with injuries. I can't say there has been a great deal of difference in recovery times between similar injuries/surgeries when using GH or not.