I wouldn’t take this guy so seriously. The article he ranted about earlier claiming that using filters cause aggregates actually supports the argument for filtering by saying if you control for factors you can use an industrial scale .22um filter with an industrial pump and still reduce aggregates. So I don’t think he’s reading too hard into this and just being argumentative for shits and giggles.
During sterile filtration of recombinant human growth hormone solutions, severe membrane fouling was experienced compared to other protein preparations of significantly higher molecular weights and concentrations. This phenomenon was attributed to rhGH aggregation/adsorption occurring in the...
If adults are going to discuss the issue I’ll supply sources:
“The removal of aggregation precursors, i.e., non-native monomers and nanometer aggregates (<100 nm), suppressed the aggregate growth. The presented findings demonstrate that a removal treatment with a specific adsorbent of non-native IgG conformers enables long-term stable storage of therapeutic IgG molecules and will facilitate mitigation of the immunogenicity of IgG preparations.”
The quality of preparations of therapeutic IgG molecules, widely used for the treatment of various diseases, should be maintained during storage and administration. Nevertheless, recent studies demonstrate that IgG aggregation is one of the most critical immunogenicity risk factors that...
“We found that a 0.22 μm hydrophilic filter, such as hydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) or polyethersulfone (PES), provided satisfactory peptide recovery.” [the study discusses reducing aggregates while also preventing peptide loss].
Advances in amyloid research rely on improved access to the β-amyloid peptide, Aβ. N-terminal methionine extended Aβ, Aβ(M1–42), is a readily expressed and widely used form of Aβ with comparable properties to the natural Aβ(1–42) peptide. Expression ...
Which even has a neat chart about what pes filters are the best.
Advances in amyloid research rely on improved access to the β-amyloid peptide, Aβ. N-terminal methionine extended Aβ, Aβ(M1–42), is a readily expressed and widely used form of Aβ with comparable properties to the natural Aβ(1–42) peptide. Expression ...
And there’s much much more I’m too lazy to dig for again.
What I can’t find is a single credible source advising not using filters, or stating bluntly that using a filter is guaranteed to cause aggregation. I honestly don’t understand the resistance to filtering peptides in this community, especially shit from the underground. I’ve not seen one substantive coherent argument against it thus far. There is a ring of truth to loosing some peptides going through the filter, but the cost point is so low I’d rather loose 10% and reduce aggregation and immunogenicity. I guess that makes me a bubble boy.