HGH Purity and dimer

we need to differentiate between peptides

Good point. Peptides really shouldn’t all be lumped together as they’re each unique compounds that defy that easy classification regularly.

Hell some you can reconstitute freeze the liquid, thaw, freeze the liquid, thaw and you still gonna have a not degraded peptide

Which one can you freeze and thaw after reconstitution? That’s cool as hell.
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Seems like the issue of the proposed filtering technique (0.22 um PES) on dimer/aggregates in hGH should be fairly straightforward (keep in mind Jano's testing capacity).

Does Sampei have a sense how quickly they'd reform (eg, quickly to reach a saturation point, or slowly drip together). Like a quick & dirty pilot experiment (for people who use hGH vials in days not months). Not a 1-2-6-12 month time course that doesn't reflect reality.
I have no idea dude, but any sane person would use an HGH vial in less then 21 days and probably we are all using it in less than 10/12 on average.

So it shouldn't be a fairly long or expensive test.
Good point. Peptides really shouldn’t all be lumped together as they’re each unique compounds that defy that easy classification regularly.

Which one can you freeze and thaw after reconstitution? That’s cool as hell.
Tirzepatide after 4x freezing and thawing of reconstitued tirz the loss of purity was: less than 0.4% and quantity loss was: 0.3mg
Good point. Peptides really shouldn’t all be lumped together as they’re each unique compounds that defy that easy classification regularly.

At this point, in the interest of simplicity, how about we just focus on hGH dimer/aggregates because that's what we have the most baseline/historical testing on and everyone is most familiar with. Agree?

One question at a time. Not a comprehensive 1-2-3-6-12 month time course analysis about everything related to hGH. Just a pilot experiment to see if further exploration on filtration is warranted.

*this is called "quick & dirty" but that's not offensive or diminutive. It generally means a clever experiment designed to get an answer soon and inexpensively.
At this point, in the interest of simplicity, how about we just focus on hGH dimer/aggregates because that's what we have the most baseline/historical testing on and everyone is most familiar with. Agree?
Agree and I was more calling myself out for focusing on hgh and saying peptides. Bad form on my part.

I think figuring out hgh dimer/aggregate in ugl hgh would yield the most harm reduction for the community with the prevalence of use
Can we get DP1-DP4 with Jano or another method to get higher than DP2 at his disposal? See the USP testing standard.

See section:

Limit of higher MW proteins.

Confirmed yes.

So we can use Jano's SEC assay to measure higher MW aggregates of HGH. This value is labeled "dimer and related proteins" on Jano's test reports. It's not just dimer.

Maybe was clear to everyone except me. But we should refrain from calling this value "dimer".
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So bitches are we gonna do this?
How many wanna chip in on this exact test:

1) reconstitution of a vial of HGH and checking for agglomerates.

2) filter the solution and check for agglomerates after filtration

3) store the filtered solution and retest it for agglomerates at two intervals after 6 days and after 12 days.

I'll provide GH vials and filters, the idea of providing the filters is because then we can have results with a filter that is ready available to most of us and nothing that is too hard to acquire.

@janoshik can you quote the cost of a test like this?
So bitches are we gonna do this?
How many wanna chip in on this exact test:

1) reconstitution of a vial of HGH and checking for agglomerates.

2) filter the solution and check for agglomerates after filtration

3) store the filtered solution and retest it for agglomerates at two intervals after 6 days and after 12 days.

I'll provide GH vials and filters, the idea of providing the filters is because then we can have results with a filter that is ready available to most of us and nothing that is too hard to acquire.

@janoshik can you quote the cost of a test like this?
First MFers! I'm in. Well done Sampei.

@Ghoul. It's on.
So bitches are we gonna do this?
How many wanna chip in on this exact test:

1) reconstitution of a vial of HGH and checking for agglomerates.

2) filter the solution and check for agglomerates after filtration

3) store the filtered solution and retest it for agglomerates at two intervals after 6 days and after 12 days.

I'll provide GH vials and filters, the idea of providing the filters is because then we can have results with a filter that is ready available to most of us and nothing that is too hard to acquire.

@janoshik can you quote the cost of a test like this?

The protocol & time frame looks fine and good choice using a common filter..... but gotta get clearance from up top.

The last thing you want is to have the result rejected because the experiment was done wrong. Leave no room for "but what about" or "this test is meaningless anyway."
I forget who asked about how quickly aggregates will form (but I think jano ran a test on breakdown and forget if did dimmer and related aswell/??).. it would depend on many factors ph, temp, pressure, excipients like surfactants(soap), and concentration is a big one... I dont know if "juggernaut ie 40 iu hgh" concentrations would be THAT much more concentrated relatively to make a difference in real world??? but interested to know.

@Sampei are you AI or just that good? lol also clearly have kids....
I forget who asked about how quickly aggregates will form (but I think jano ran a test on breakdown and forget if did dimmer and related aswell/??).. it would depend on many factors ph, temp, pressure, excipients like surfactants(soap), and concentration is a big one... I dont know if "juggernaut ie 40 iu hgh" concentrations would be THAT much more concentrated relatively to make a difference in real world??? but interested to know.

@Sampei are you AI or just that good? lol also clearly have kids....
I have no kids and never will lol

We could do the test on one 10IU HGH vial and on a 36IU vial so we check that theory too
So bitches are we gonna do this?
How many wanna chip in on this exact test:

1) reconstitution of a vial of HGH and checking for agglomerates.

2) filter the solution and check for agglomerates after filtration

3) store the filtered solution and retest it for agglomerates at two intervals after 6 days and after 12 days.

I'll provide GH vials and filters, the idea of providing the filters is because then we can have results with a filter that is ready available to most of us and nothing that is too hard to acquire.

@janoshik can you quote the cost of a test like this?
I might get in on this, especially if there are takers on PTDS. Have you put it in the potential test discussion channel yet, or are you waiting for jano to respond to the test proposal?
I might get in on this, especially if there are takers on PTDS. Have you put it in the potential test discussion channel yet, or are you waiting for jano to respond to the test proposal?
I Need First to get Jano to confirm he can do it and what's the price then I need to find a way to involve PTDS and let the ppl from here chime in on the test plus have ptds release exceptionally the test results for everyone to be seen.

Lots of shit to do

Checking out a potential vendor who has a good price for 24 IU Hgh but the purity seems too low at 94.95% yet there were no dimer content detected. Normally I have seen lower purity correspond with dimer content.

What should I be worried about here? Other substances? Like the rumors of older cheap Hgh with stuff to give you fake side effects of real Hgh?

Would you have any concerns with this? I can name the vendor or post the test, not sure if it’s appropriate to do so.
@Bobertson: so you are also on HYB 24iu vials? What I always do on hgh is to check hgh blood serum with 10iu 3 hrs after injecting i.m. HYB recently had a non acceptable value of 10ng/ml. Expectation is 25-45ng/ml. Also blood sugar is hardly affected with 2iu, normally 2iu raise my blood sugar about 20-30ng/ml, then decreased by insulin activity.
There must be something wrong with the 24iu vials. Simplest and most convenienced explanation is they mixed up 10 iu vials with 24 iu vials...
Yura is excluding mixing up and offers testing my vials. If bad results I get refund for testing and vials. This is what he says...
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@Bobertson: so you are also on HYB 24iu vials? What I always do on hgh is to check hgh blood serum with 10iu 3 hrs after injecting i.m. HYB recently had a non acceptable value of 10ng/ml. Expectation is 25-45ng/ml. Also blood sugar is hardly affected with 2iu, normally 2iu raise my blood sugar about 20-30ng/ml, then decreased by insulin activity.
There must be something wrong with the 24iu vials. Simplest and most convenienced explanation is they mixed up 10 iu vials with 24 iu vials...
Yura is excluding mixing up and offers testing my vials. If bad results I get refund for testing and vials. This is what he says...
I am currently using opti grey tops but at more than $1/IU I was considering HYB. Thanks for the feedback, I was a bit sketched out by some of the HYB feedback and actually wound up getting a 10 kit order in place with Lobster’s international before he temporarily shut it down. I see opti now has some 32IU available and I would probably consider that (if still available) for my next order, purity is near 98%.
So bitches are we gonna do this?
How many wanna chip in on this exact test:

1) reconstitution of a vial of HGH and checking for agglomerates.

2) filter the solution and check for agglomerates after filtration

3) store the filtered solution and retest it for agglomerates at two intervals after 6 days and after 12 days.

I'll provide GH vials and filters, the idea of providing the filters is because then we can have results with a filter that is ready available to most of us and nothing that is too hard to acquire.

@janoshik can you quote the cost of a test like this?
I like it.
Which bathtub gh are you supplying?
So bitches are we gonna do this?
How many wanna chip in on this exact test:

1) reconstitution of a vial of HGH and checking for agglomerates.

2) filter the solution and check for agglomerates after filtration

3) store the filtered solution and retest it for agglomerates at two intervals after 6 days and after 12 days.

I'll provide GH vials and filters, the idea of providing the filters is because then we can have results with a filter that is ready available to most of us and nothing that is too hard to acquire.

@janoshik can you quote the cost of a test like this?
Can we use
My Ronsen hgh for the 10iu?