Sorry for asking such a simple question but I'm trying to get to the bottom of a problem.
It looks like someone in the Peptide community may have received HGH instead of AOD. There is a lot of resistance from the company they bought it from because they haven't had problems like this before, and they don't sell HGH. If this customer is right then the manufacturer the company bought from made a big mistake. To their credit, they appear to have pulled the questionable AOD.
It's very likely that additional testing will be done, but in the meantime I have a question so simple it probably didn't warrant a preface this long:
How does HGH reconstitute? Does it gel like AOD?
Your input would be appreciated a great deal.
It looks like someone in the Peptide community may have received HGH instead of AOD. There is a lot of resistance from the company they bought it from because they haven't had problems like this before, and they don't sell HGH. If this customer is right then the manufacturer the company bought from made a big mistake. To their credit, they appear to have pulled the questionable AOD.
It's very likely that additional testing will be done, but in the meantime I have a question so simple it probably didn't warrant a preface this long:
How does HGH reconstitute? Does it gel like AOD?
Your input would be appreciated a great deal.