Afternoon, Doc. I can't keep up with the scientific testing, data, and protocols involved in comparing or analyzing generic and pharma gh. Thankfully the Community has gentlemen such as yourself,
@Dr JIM as well as the guys with the smarts, experience, and valuable time and money necessary to enlighten the community and provide the services they do.
I'm talking about
@muscle96ss , Professor X, Rick Kane, and that circle of men that have provided invaluable services to the Community with our best interests in mind.
Some may call me blind and i had my doubts in the past...but i honestly do not believe muscle96ss has a vested interest in any gh or gh source now or at anytime and consider him a man we can trust. I do.
I believe and know the same applies to our own Dr Jim who i also consider a friend and a friend with the utmost integrity that i strive to keep up with as best i can because keeping company with Doc has to influence me to become a better overall man in my part of the world. Plus...the Doc just makes me "FEEL" more intelligent being around him and smile when he acknowledges me in his posts.
@Platinum Direct has made a major contribution to bringing honesty and integrity to what was a shadowy world overrun with con men and grifters that spent their time devising schemes and fleecing members of the Community time and time again.
The generic gh world has a much better vibe to it and i attribute much of the positive changes to a few men/organizations that because of their roles in the community would never have been considered possible to be giving the facelift they've given the gh Community.
The three, once again are TP, Homer, and Platinum Direct. The sources providing the gh are considered to be....and i have no doubts that they are trusted friends of the Community that deserve our thanks and respect.