Hgh with insulin vs metformin or standalone hgh use

So I'm trying to wrap my head around hgh use, and I'm planning to run some this year I planned to start with 1-2 units a day and work my way up to 4- 6 units.
What concerns me the most is the blood glucose and risk of diabetes if one isn't using a meal plan and timed injection properly. So from my understanding insulin takes the load off the pancreas and shuttles the carbs to the muscles. I read someone recommending in a thread that one to use metformin if BG was too high post meal.
Now my question is.
Would metformin be just as effective or closely effective to insulin use? I know insulin can be tricky causeing one to go hypo if they didn't get the carbs in on time afterwards. I'm here to learn so I don't go making stupid mistakes please educate me!
First off, no need to go beyond 4iu

Second, if you're not ready to have a detailed set meal plan you have no business using Hgh. Sounds harsh but diet is the #1 most important thing. Get that perfectly dialed in 100% before adding Hgh

Use things like metformin and insulin based off need, not speculation. Start taking you fasted bg daily for a week to see where you sit normally without Hgh in your system. Should be well below 90.

Monitor your fasted bg while using Hgh and if it begins to pass 90, that is when you would deploy either Lantus or metformin sr/xr. Which you choose is up to you initially. Try 500mg Metformin xr or Sr with your last meal, if after a couple weeks that doesn't fix it, try 10iu Lantus with meal 1. After a week or so if that doesn't work you could increase it by a couple iu and so on. If you add 10iu Lantus and your number comes back let's say like 70 or less, back off the dose a bit to maybe 5iu and assess.
Wouldn't slin be a better option for a muscle building context ? Vs metformin? If I'm using it for energy and shuttling vs GDA I want to get the most of the hgh and I planned on taking the next step in my bodybuilding venture I'm getting some feedback telling me for building muscle metformin impedes igf1 mostly for naturals because the aas overshadow this effect and that berberine doesn't seem to have this effect. But neither are anabolic in the sense that I sulin would be.
No, doesn't matter. Hgh also won't be a big game changer. Focus on training, diet and gear. Hgh is that Extra little bit that over a long period of time will show a difference in terms of growth
So I'm trying to wrap my head around hgh use, and I'm planning to run some this year I planned to start with 1-2 units a day and work my way up to 4- 6 units.
What concerns me the most is the blood glucose and risk of diabetes if one isn't using a meal plan and timed injection properly. So from my understanding insulin takes the load off the pancreas and shuttles the carbs to the muscles. I read someone recommending in a thread that one to use metformin if BG was too high post meal.
Now my question is.
Would metformin be just as effective or closely effective to insulin use? I know insulin can be tricky causeing one to go hypo if they didn't get the carbs in on time afterwards. I'm here to learn so I don't go making stupid mistakes please educate me!
@Mac11wildcat Is the one guy who's advice I would take on this subject.
If you’re going to use Metformin keep in mind your GI may take time to adjust to it and some people just can’t from what I’ve heard. I noticed about a week and a half to two weeks each time I upped the dose to adjust so it didn’t bother GI.
For me it didn’t move my BG much until I got to 1500mg a day even then it was modest. 2000 it worked but I felt it kept me from gaining weight.
When I dropped it and used exclusively slin for BG I did get fuller more easily and gain weight. But it was love handles.
So today I took fasted bg and it came back 92
Keeping in mind I ate late last night so that may have effected the results I will be taking it again tomorrow, I know weeks prior it was closer to 78 to 80 so I'm assuming there is some variable to have this cause and effect.. grabing some berberine today. And looking into some lantus aswell if I can get my hands on any otherwise I have novolin r on hand which I would prefer not to use..
So today I took fasted bg and it came back 92
Keeping in mind I ate late last night so that may have effected the results I will be taking it again tomorrow, I know weeks prior it was closer to 78 to 80 so I'm assuming there is some variable to have this cause and effect.. grabing some berberine today. And looking into some lantus aswell if I can get my hands on any otherwise I have novolin r on hand which I would prefer not to use..
I’d read some of the threads about berberine if you haven’t already. Apparently there are some formulations they have significant improvements in bioavailability.

Why are you not wanting to use your Walmart slin?
I’d read some of the threads about berberine if you haven’t already. Apparently there are some formulations they have significant improvements in bioavailability.

Why are you not wanting to use your Walmart slin?
I've had some people telling me it's more unpredictable and easier to go hypo on vs something long acting like lantus. That and I still have some reading to do to fully comprehend how to use and harm mitigate it so I'm using it safely
I’d read some of the threads about berberine if you haven’t already. Apparently there are some formulations they have significant improvements in bioavailability.
I've tried some of the compounded forms of berberine before, can't really speculate on there bioavalibility because I've never tried regular berberine. They are obviously more expensive. I believe it was gorrilla minds formulation.
Correct you would want to use Lantus not Humulin R. Berberine can be just as effective as metformin for the most part it just takes a few more weeks to really take full effect compared to how long it takes metformin
I've had some people telling me it's more unpredictable and easier to go hypo on vs something long acting like lantus. That and I still have some reading to do to fully comprehend how to use and harm mitigate it so I'm using it safely
It’s definitely not the same as something like Lantus that is a basal. Walmart does sell novalin N which is a basal insulin. It’s not as soft a curve as Lantus so you would have to dose it twice a day to get similar results.

Novalin R is more like a fast acting that peaks in a couple hours. I’ve been using it pre-workout with Gh. Crazy pumps in the gym.

You do have to be careful using any insulin. That’s a prerequisite for using it, but if you’re not really nuts with it you’ll be fine. If the workout leaves you a little drained you’ll feel yourself going hypo. Have something prepared for that. Drink it. You’re good. Just go slow count your carbs.

I wouldn’t use a non basal for general BG control though as you’re mentioning here.
It’s definitely not the same as something like Lantus that is a basal. Walmart does sell novalin N which is a basal insulin. It’s not as soft a curve as Lantus so you would have to dose it twice a day to get similar results.

Novalin R is more like a fast acting that peaks in a couple hours. I’ve been using it pre-workout with Gh. Crazy pumps in the gym.

You do have to be careful using any insulin. That’s a prerequisite for using it, but if you’re not really nuts with it you’ll be fine. If the workout leaves you a little drained you’ll feel yourself going hypo. Have something prepared for that. Drink it. You’re good. Just go slow count your carbs.

I wouldn’t use a non basal for general BG control though as you’re mentioning here.
I don't know the prices of other insulin but indeed Novalin is super cheap and you don't need a script. Just walk in and ask for it at Wally World.

Great advice and explanations in your post. I'm kind of surprised they make it so easy to get considering one can fuck themselves up pretty good if they don't know what they are doing.
If you’re going to use Metformin keep in mind your GI may take time to adjust to it and some people just can’t from what I’ve heard. I noticed about a week and a half to two weeks each time I upped the dose to adjust so it didn’t bother GI.
For me it didn’t move my BG much until I got to 1500mg a day even then it was modest. 2000 it worked but I felt it kept me from gaining weight.
When I dropped it and used exclusively slin for BG I did get fuller more easily and gain weight. But it was love handles.
1500 is a pretty solid dose of metformin for the powerlifter or bb individual. I personally wouldn't go over that. If under, maybe go with 1000 but not under 1000.
So today I took fasted bg and it came back 92
Keeping in mind I ate late last night so that may have effected the results I will be taking it again tomorrow, I know weeks prior it was closer to 78 to 80 so I'm assuming there is some variable to have this cause and effect.. grabing some berberine today. And looking into some lantus aswell if I can get my hands on any otherwise I have novolin r on hand which I would prefer not to use..

I’ve been tracking mine for about a week now. Morning fasted I’m high 60’s low 70’s. Back in the 80’s 1 hour post meal (meal prep). Had a party this weekend and ate off meal prep (2 steak tacos with just steak and onions, a few bites of wife’s quesadilla, and 10-15 beers.
Next morning I was 106 fasted and it stayed high all damn day. It’s really crazy to see how one bad day affects the next day.

I only say this to say if you’re diet fluctuates or you had a weird meal it might not be that bad.

Still learning and I may be way off in my speculation, just passing what I’ve noticed this weekend along.
I have access to metformin immediate release is that still effective ? Or does it need to be Sr or xr
Its fine but watch out and start with 500 mg and then work your way up to 1k or possible 1.5k.
One reason why XR or SR is popular is sometimes people will get diarrhea depending on diet. This symptom is more pronounced with regular metformin vs SR or XR.