HGH and diabetes

Some argue that metformin actually slightly increases Igf1. There is evidence that it inhibits hypertrophy some though. If I was you I would prioritize keeping my blood sugars in range and if metformin was doing a good job at that, it sure seems wirth the minor side effects. Have you been taking morning fasted blood glucose readings and post meal glucose readings since changing your protocol?
yes. Post meal BG takes much longer to come down and I also need more insulin.

But almost a week on 0.5 of ozempic and it’s brought the sensitivity back better than before on metformin. If I pre bolus even by 10 min I won’t see a spike at all. Ozempic keeps me at 100ish
Try taking the full 4iu pre bed and space it a couple hours from your last meal. Try to just do protein and fat for the last meal. And implement berberine if your worried about the igf lowering effects of metformin. I actually prefer a berberine complex supplement. They usually also contain things like bitter melon,ceyon spice, cinnamon etc. And I dose it 3 times a day with meals. Also doing the ten min walks post meal that Stan Efferding suggests is very helpful.
I’ve been on 4IU for about a month. I stopped dosing morning and night. Only before bed now. My fasting glucose numbers in the morning are fine. High 70s to mid 80s.

I had my A1C checked though to see where I am at. I’m currently at 5.4 while taking 2000mg a day, split am/pm. This is in the normal range, but I think this is still high considering how much metformin I take.

There are not many other things I can do to address this. I don’t even care for sweets. I could probably eat less white rice. Physically I look like a stud and I lift and do cardio religiously. I think I live a healthy lifestyle. My total cholesterol is 118, triglyceride 57, LDL 73, and HDL 34. Genetically, it seems like I lost on my blood sugar.

Long-term should I expect my A1C to creep up overtime if I continue to use HGH at 4IU a day? And if so, will it push me into the diabetic range?
I wouldn't think that.

My a1c has been 5.2% for almost 2 years.
I started hgh at the same time that I started gear
This is comforting. I’ve read that some people’s blood start getting hard to manage and was wondering how common that was. I appreciate the feedback. I like to continue because I’m pretty sure I can already notice slight changes and it’s not placebo.
Long-term should I expect my A1C to creep up overtime if I continue to use HGH at 4IU a day? And if so, will it push me into the diabetic range?

I wouldn't think that.

My a1c has been 5.2% for almost 2 years.
I started hgh at the same time that I started gear
This is comforting. I’ve read that some people’s blood start getting hard to manage and was wondering how common that was. I appreciate the feedback. I like to continue because I’m pretty sure I can already notice slight changes and it’s not placebo.

Been running GH for a while up to 10-12/d. Currently 8 IU/d. Fasting blood glucose is in the 80's and on the rare occasion I test postprandially, it's nothing crazy.

I take dihydroberberine (~200 mg/d) and empagliflozin (12.5 mg/d) as a prevention measure and it seems to be helping. Also low carb diet + cardio.
Been running GH for a while up to 10-12/d. Currently 8 IU/d. Fasting blood glucose is in the 80's and on the rare occasion I test postprandially, it's nothing crazy.

I take dihydroberberine (~200 mg/d) and empagliflozin (12.5 mg/d) as a prevention measure and it seems to be helping. Also low carb diet + cardio.
I’ve looked into taking dihydroberberine. I should just pull the trigger. Absolutely nothing to lose and I can monitor my blood glucose daily.

I can ask my primary care physician about the empagliflozin next month. I’m not sure how conversation will go considering doc thinks I’m taking the prescribed GLP in addition to 2000mgs of metformin to get my A1C to normal range. I absolutely cannot take Ozempic or Wegovy at the prescribed dose and eat at maintenance level.

Appreciate it. I think you’ve mentioned this before to me.