Hgh with insulin vs metformin or standalone hgh use

So I'm trying to wrap my head around hgh use, and I'm planning to run some this year I planned to start with 1-2 units a day and work my way up to 4- 6 units.
What concerns me the most is the blood glucose and risk of diabetes if one isn't using a meal plan and timed injection properly. So from my understanding insulin takes the load off the pancreas and shuttles the carbs to the muscles. I read someone recommending in a thread that one to use metformin if BG was too high post meal.
Now my question is.
Would metformin be just as effective or closely effective to insulin use? I know insulin can be tricky causeing one to go hypo if they didn't get the carbs in on time afterwards. I'm here to learn so I don't go making stupid mistakes please educate me!
Met cable help avoid the need for insulin to control BG on HGH, yes. This is highly individual too. I have clients whos BG never moves. I have to work decently hard to maintain mine.
I'm kinda in the same boat as the person who started this thread. I don't want to use slin and I'm looking to run 4 ius a day. Is not using slin with this amount of gh a waste of time? Thanks for your input
Oh damn I'm alot younger... Now I'm curious how many bodybuilders who are young are using growth or if it's mainly just people at or around 40
Bodybuilders who are competing the vast majority use it. Pros all use it. Back when I was your age it was very hard to get. With the internet it's a lot easier to get the stuff so that's why a lot of people are taking it.
Oh damn I'm alot younger... Now I'm curious how many bodybuilders who are young are using growth or if it's mainly just people at or around 40
I'm 29 and I've been using it for 1 year now, and it's become easily accessible like steroids. I'm also competing but I'm still amateur (got a long way before me :D)
But what baffles me the most is that there's a lot of kids that start taking it at 15-16 yo with steroids.
I'm 29 and I've been using it for 1 year now, and it's become easily accessible like steroids. I'm also competing but I'm still amateur (got a long way before me :D)
But what baffles me the most is that there's a lot of kids that start taking it at 15-16 yo with steroids.
I'm competing too but I'm only 22 I know some locals using it that are early 30s and a few of them are pros. I have I on hand just want to push my weight as far as possible without it before I pull the trigger