HGHservice - Growth Hormone Shop



Decided to resort to the use of pharmacological drugs? Based on our many years of experience, we will give you some general information.

Human Growth Hormones like Genotropin or Humatrope are artificial hormonal drugs that accelerate metabolism, formation, renewal of cells, tissues and muscle structures. Potent substances that are dangerous to health and life if taken in significant doses or if there are medical contraindications.

What happens if you use HGH?

With proper, moderate use, constant monitoring of blood tests, training with a professional trainer, proper nutrition, control of BJU, proper rest, proper drug support during and after the course can lead to high-quality muscle growth, increased endurance, strength and minimal damage to health.

We are the largest store for Growth Hormones, drugs for post-cycle therapy, restoration and strengthening of men's health, the brain and the body as a whole. Our experience in private is almost 10 years. During this time, more than 10,000 people have become our clients, more than 90,000 orders have been delivered.

We are proud of our high quality and stable work for a long time, as well as cooperation with the largest manufacturers of pharmaceuticals drugs.

Our mission is to preserve the health of young people using pharmaceuticals sport pharmacology.

Our goal: to attract to our ranks the maximum of guys and girls involved in sports and using pharmacology in order to give them the maximum information and support necessary to maintain health, to give them the best prices, service and range.

It does not matter whether you are our client or not - you can always contact us for help and advice on building a course, post-cycle therapy and on issues of recovery and health promotion.

Remember: The use of potent substances is a very serious step and all is on your responsibility.


Genotropin Pfizer Somatropin Go quick 12mg - $182.60
Genotropin Somatropin Cartidge 12mg - $100.00
Humatrope HGH Eli Lilly - Grow Hormone Injection 72 ui - $282.00
Norditropin SimpleXx Somatropin 15 mg Novo Nordisk - $116.00
Omnitrope Sandroz 15 mg Somatropin - $127.00
Omnitrope Sandroz 5 mg Somatropin - $187.00
Pregnyl 5000 UI Gonadotropin - $12.00
T3 Thyroid Hormone - $11.00
Testosterone Enanthate for Therapy (Balkan Pharmacetuticals) - $44.00
Clomiphene Citrate - $12.00

All Meso Memberes have 18% discount code: mesorx

What the actual fuck. No pics, is this international/domestic? Where are you shipping from/to? How much is shipping?

Why would anyone trust you when we have a plethora of other heavily vetted and successful hgh suppliers already?

What kind of bullshit email is that?
Good job on doing your homework before you tried to set up shop here. Proper introduction. I'm really impressed. Bravo.
This has got to be hgh daddy or that women with all the fakes

why all the weird numbers, just round up or down. 18% discount? Just do 20.
Norditropin 45iu $116??? -20%?

That's good price my friend.
Its a pitty that just an Asiatic lady has already sent me 100iu boxes for 45$
Hello again !

Our company is based in England and we ship the goods from several countries.

as follows:

USA - shipping from Switzerland - delivery 5 to 10 days.
Europe - shipping from England, Belgium, France, Spain.

Information about delivery from 11.02.2021

Countries with specific measures affecting supplies:

With the advent of a new wave of coronavirus and the registration of a new viral variant, delays are expected for all destinations, given the announced lockdown across Europe and the new travel restrictions.

Due to worsening weather conditions in Western Europe, transport to Germany is delayed, which will lead to delays in the processing of shipments by about 24 hours.

• USA - due to worsened weather conditions caused by a snowstorm, JFK Airport still remains closed and flights are canceled. This in turn makes it impossible for shipments from Europe to be sent to the United States. In this regard, the delivery time of all shipments to the United States will increase after the opening of JFK Airport for flights from Europe.
Please upload a photo of your current Pregnyl/hcg MSD from Greece. And i will show you if it its real or fake. The photo on your website is from a real old stock with exp in 2018. All newer ones are fake

Edit: and make sure to place photo from all sides of the boxes. Also i would like to see the same for the t3 unipharma and anfarm hellas clomid you got.
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The information on your site clearly states that Norditropin must be kept between 2c and 8c at all times. Do you have cold storage at your warehouse? How do you maintain that temperature when shipping?
Omnitrope Sandroz
You’ve been doing this for 10 years but you don’t know the name of the manufacturer. Sandoz is a company, Sandroz is not. The company has only been around and operating under that name since 1886, so I guess it’s easy to miss. Anyway, you got that one wrong twice in a row. If what you present to us is sloppy then I don’t want to know how careless you are with your non-public communications and operations.
No US domestic = never a customer. So now I’m just gonna grill you instead.

No secure email I see. Just supposed to order from your site and enter all my info or email your sites support mail. Fuck that, protonmail/wickr or gtfo.

No Bitcoin option... just wire transfer, no thanks again.

What’s you’re customs siezure policy? You reship no cost, you reship at all?

Those bullshit customer reviews are annoying, specially the photos.

You should have provided photos on your first post, don’t say you’re going to post them soon while you wait for people to buy your shit. Post them now.