Hi Guys new member here.

Hello fellow meso members,
41year old male here. Im based in germany so my english isn´t the best. I´ve been lifting since 15 years and doing all sorts of stop and go sports all my life.
I finally gave into the world of PED´s 12 Weeks ago after doing a lot of research regarding the matter. I had my thyroid removed back in 2011 due to hyperthyroidism and ever since then i have struggled with being somewhat overweight, (not much about 10 kg) but my thyroid levels are fine now. I started my first cycle of 500 Test E and 0.5 mg adex a week at 87 kg with a heigth of 5,11. BF around 18 to 20%. So far im really happy that i made the decision to hop on the gravy train. Im feeling better than ever. I did some stupid mistakes disregarding the research that i´ve done prior to getting on. I didn´t cut down my weight before and didn´t get any bloodwork done before/during my cycle, but the fact that my mental state has improved drastically speaks for itself. I was severely depressed before, but after a few weeks in i started to enjoy life again. My BP is OK for now 128/78. I´ll probably BNC from now on, but at my age i´ll stick to more cruising than blasting at reasonable doses. Im sitting at 94 kg right now, but i guess about 4-5 kg are water retention. Im lifting 4 to 6 times a week and doing cardio 2 times a week. (1 day rest) I´ll start cutting come march and drop down to 175 test e a week. Maybe i´ll throw in 20mg of Var. I feel best when i pin eod by the way. Feels better than 2 times a week. My goal is to feel good and to improve my physique. Im planning on getting BW done about 4 weeks into my cruise, but im a bit scared of the reaction from my primary physician cuz im not planning on telling her that im on. Anyway, im happy to be here and get some good advice along the way. have a great day guys.