High BP 2 weeks on Test E

130's is not dangerous, they changed that shit recently as the new high. It is high for average fat and overweight people not athletes. My grandpa lived his life in to late 70's with 140/90 from like 30 years old.

So again as otherwise healthy individual, who takes care of his diet and body fat % while keeping weight under control one should not experience problems with 130's systolic...

P.S. assuming that individual we talk about is otherwise healthy.
It seems like I’m 130s at total rest, but it increases to 170s with anxiety or if I’m up walking around doing things.
I'm sorry I was just being an ass but truthfully man. At 25 you should understand how to take blood pressure and how life can effect it. Take your bp in the morning. A high stress job, a girlfriend or boyfriend nagging, bills can all effect it. This is simple Google search. Get it together BEFORE you cycle bro.
Are you using a shitload of Stims? Did you abuse stims as a teenage/adult? Benders? Alcohol consumption?? Do you live in the mountains?
I'm sorry I was just being an ass but truthfully man. At 25 you should understand how to take blood pressure and how life can effect it. Take your bp in the morning. A high stress job, a girlfriend or boyfriend nagging, bills can all effect it. This is simple Google search. Get it together BEFORE you cycle bro.
Appreciate it man, thank you.
Just the number of times you keep posting about it, in one day, shows that you are riddled with anxiety.
I was like this when I had high bp for the first time. It causes a lot of anxiety, I get it. If I were you I’d go get bloodwork and think about something like telmisartan or beet root extract. If it’s still very high after sitting for 5 minutes in darkness and measuring 3 times in a row, resetting the cycle isn’t a bad thing and can allow you to push higher dosages later when you’re healthier
@Ga1ntrain I'd definitely look at something like a low dose Telmisartan to take during cycles man, 20-40mg. It's cheap and extremely effective. There's even some data to suggest it can help with anxiety. I get it though, you take your BP once and it's high, then you start freaking out, so it shoots up more, you're convinced you're fucked/having a heart attack/dying/whatever, etc, etc. I'd advise looking at an app called Dare that has some guided meditation and other cool things on it. It's free and also has a paid option with more stuff.

Also do your bloodwork. It's not that expensive, and if need be, go look at my thread about it.
I was like this when I had high bp for the first time. It causes a lot of anxiety, I get it. If I were you I’d go get bloodwork and think about something like telmisartan or beet root extract. If it’s still very high after sitting for 5 minutes in darkness and measuring 3 times in a row, resetting the cycle isn’t a bad thing and can allow you to push higher dosages later when you’re healthier
Thank you for real man. I just got bloods done this morning so we shall see if anything’s off. I’m also working on getting some telmisartan.
I second meditation. Aside from just easing anxiety it’s also been proven to lower blood pressure as well, so it’s just a win-win
Yes on this! I'm a long time practitioner of Chinese QiGong, and it is the most balancing part to my day.
@Ga1ntrain I'd definitely look at something like a low dose Telmisartan to take during cycles man, 20-40mg. It's cheap and extremely effective. There's even some data to suggest it can help with anxiety. I get it though, you take your BP once and it's high, then you start freaking out, so it shoots up more, you're convinced you're fucked/having a heart attack/dying/whatever, etc, etc. I'd advise looking at an app called Dare that has some guided meditation and other cool things on it. It's free and also has a paid option with more stuff.

Also do your bloodwork. It's not that expensive, and if need be, go look at my thread about it.
Just got some bloods done this morning, and am working on getting some telmisartan. But yeah you described my experience perfectly lol I do need to chill out a bit