High Deca and low Test - how does it feel?


New Member
I'm on the 4th week of 500mg deca cycle and started adding 250 test cypionate on my cycle from last week. My coach wasnt agreeing on deca only cycle. So i'm including 250mg cypionate anyways.

when can i expect the cypionate to kick in on my current cycle? and what difference does it make? I gained 10lbs already.
You will have elevated estrogen and a hard time controlling them due to Nandrolone. Then again your dosages are.not outrageous so it can be a walk in the park

Report back at 6 weeks
I'm on the 4th week of 500mg deca cycle and started adding 250 test cypionate on my cycle from last week. My coach wasnt agreeing on deca only cycle. So i'm including 250mg cypionate anyways.

when can i expect the cypionate to kick in on my current cycle? and what difference does it make? I gained 10lbs already.

This is an interesting topic (for me) that usually ends up in name calling.

Most….will say higher test, moderate nandrolone. Then some will do what your doing, low-test+high nandrolone.

Then there’s guys that go nandrolone only, or something like nandrolone +HCG, hell I’ve seen some guys do nandrolone + estrogen.

Gotta just run it for yourself and see what works best for you.
I've done low test and high nandrolone and also high test and low nandrolone. In terms of how it feels I would say that with nandrolone higher than test I felt calm and with higher test I felt more aggressive and energetic. Mind you I had a dht in there in both cases. No sides either way. May favorite ratio nowadays would be a 1:1:1.
I just started on my planned high deca / low test cycle. was thinking of ramping it up to 1200 mg deca / 250 mg test c with a touch of 200 mg masteron for 16 weeks.

just did my bloodwork, and gonna do bloodwork every month.

any thoughts ?
I just started on my planned high deca / low test cycle. was thinking of ramping it up to 1200 mg deca / 250 mg test c with a touch of 200 mg masteron for 16 weeks.

just did my bloodwork, and gonna do bloodwork every month.

any thoughts ?
mast definetly dried me out.
I started at 175test 700NPP and than added 200mast and basically in a few days I lost a bunch of water and mind you I was not very wattery to begin with.

Mental wise did not feel a big difference still had that pissed at the world feeling you get on Nandrolone.
Next time i will try a more even ratio of test deca mast to see how it goes