High estradiol


New Member
My estradiol is really high. I just got some arimidex. Suggestions on how much I should take to bring it down?


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What are you taking currently? If you're on tren for example it will give a false high. What symptoms of high estrogen are you experiencing?
Bad decision to take 750 test without any estrogen management. Do you continue with that cycle? If yes, i would go with 1mg every other day for 3-4 weeks and then retest again. When you come down to favourable e2 like 60-70 you can continue with 0,5mg eod. This is all arbitrary numbers, we shoot in the dark now. There's a chance you need even more to get that down. Only bloodwork will tell you again with what rate you reduce estrogen conversion.
So what's the problem ?
Never had any problems on this level.

If you want to reduce, take 6mg aromasin ED
You can try Yohimbine 10mg. also cialis can help. and mast prop

I think you're giving dangerous advices.
Bad decision to take 750 test without any estrogen management. Do you continue with that cycle? If yes, i would go with 1mg every other day for 3-4 weeks and then retest again. When you come down to favourable e2 like 60-70 you can continue with 0,5mg eod. This is all arbitrary numbers, we shoot in the dark now. There's a chance you need even more to get that down. Only bloodwork will tell you again with what rate you reduce estrogen conversion.

I think you're giving dangerous advices.
Both aro and mastP are estrogen lower products
You have been around since 16' and ask this basic question? Tell us about your previous experiences if you have any and list your previous cycles and protocols, anything you have tried before and how you felt. We need details. Or if this is your first time, boy you jumped too high and got planted. Anyway, if your cock is not working then you can try some anastrozole at like 0.25mg see if it does anything, you may only need to bring it down a bit to balance out with high Testosterone. Hard to say actually, if you start arimidex then low dose for couple weeks to see if you feel better.
If using Anastrozole/Arimidex, start at .50mg and following days 0.25mg daily for a good serum level. Both are 1.75mg weekly total
You have been around since 16' and ask this basic question? Tell us about your previous experiences if you have any and list your previous cycles and protocols, anything you have tried before and how you felt. We need details. Or if this is your first time, boy you jumped too high and got planted. Anyway, if your cock is not working then you can try some anastrozole at like 0.25mg see if it does anything, you may only need to bring it down a bit to balance out with high Testosterone. Hard to say actually, if you start arimidex then low dose for couple weeks to see if you feel better.
I asked the questions because my estradiol was never this high before. I ran cycles for a couple years. I recently got back on. I have run test as high as 1000mg a week, TREN,mast,primo,npp,winstrol. I have homebrewed since I started. So I have a little experience.
Did you start using Ari ?

I made a mistake by your estrogen rating. We overhere measure not in pg/mL but in pmol/L

Yours is 236pg/mL what is extreme high ~866pmol/L in our value.