High estrogen help

It is important that both of pharmacy .. The reviews on triptorelin laboratory does not promise well .. I do not say shit
Check estrogen and keep on hand in case of aromasin raising estrogen .. The important and you leave with a level of estrogen and prolactin in the standard
Ok so I got my blood work back and my estradiol is actually normal (24.7 pg/ml), my FSH I think is rather low though (2.0 miu/ml) and my LH is ok (5.7 miu/ml) my test was half what it was from the last lab I got (573ng/dl, last time it was 1016 ng/dl) but I think the last lab I got was for total.. so what's up with my shriveled man parts? My dicks not as bad as it was last a couple of weeks ago but my balls don't seem to be getting any better.. my sex drive is coming back though. Thinking about runing some hcg to see if it will wake my balls up but idk, they look good on paper lol..
Alright I've decided on this,
anastrozole .25mg EOD (my estrogen is lower than I though but still too high)
HCG 1000 iu twice weekly for 2.5 weeks (to try and boost my LH and FSH function)
after that, nolva 40 mg ED for 1 week then 20 ED for 1 week. Then I'll get bloods again a few weeks after that and see how things look. If this seems stupid or like it won't help my case let me know please, I plan on starting this next week.