High liver and kidney values due to ong term use of Testosterone.


New Member
Hi guys

Been blasting (500mg Testosterone Enanthate/Deca 400mg) and cruising (125mg-250mg Testosterone Enanthate) for a number of years now. And recently had my blood profile taken and the doctor flagged that my Liver ALT is 71 and my Kidney values were also elevated (don't remember the value), Good cholesterol is low but overall the cholesterol is within range, and my Hematocrit is 56 (high end normal range about 50 I believe).

I want to stop the cruising, the value above were taken whilst cruising, and move into a PCT. After being on so long what would peoples recommendations be?

The first thing I want to run is TUDCA at 1500mg per day (and possibly some NAC) to help with liver regeneration etc.

Power PCT using HCG and Aromasin/Nolvadex and then run some HGH for about 6 months, then return to cycle on when bloods have returned to normal range or simply bridge with HGH, Aromasin and HCG?

In terms of HGH I have read two studies in regards to HGH and the liver:
Liver abnormalities during growth hormone treatment.


Human growth hormone stimulates liver regeneration in rats.

What are peoples thoughts, anyone have any experience on the best way forward?

Much appreciated.
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Additional information:

Thought just occurred to me that my liver and kidney values were fine about 9 months ago despite the blast cruise which I have been doing for 4+ years and one thing that could of impacted them is Melanotan 2??? I have heard anecdotal evidence that they mess with liver/kidey values, but I don't know how true that is. That would kind of make sense as I wa not aware of testosterone injections impacting the liver and kidneys. And my protein is not that high around 250-300 grams.

Liver problems
Benign and malignant hepatic tumors, intrahepatic cholestasis, hepatotoxicity, and liver failure have been reported with testosterone replacement therapy.297,298 These unfavorable hepatic effects do not appear to be associated with transdermal or intramuscular injections. For this reason the oral forms of testosterone, with the exception of testosterone undecanoate, are discouraged. Other liver abnormalities associated with TRT include Peliosis hepatis, hepatocellular adenoma, and carcinoma.299
Been blasting (500mg testosterone Enanthate/Deca 400mg) and cruising (125mg-250mg Testosterone Enanthate) for a number of years now. And recently had my blood profile taken and the doctor flagged that my Liver ALT is 71 and my Kidney values were also elevated (don't remember the value), Good cholesterol is low but overall the cholesterol is within range, and my Hematocrit is 56 (high end normal range about 50 I believe).
First, is this based on one test result or have had increasing levels in recent past tests? Need to find why these levels are high, as based on what you have as a cycle I don't see the liver or kidney impact. Are on any drugs, prescription or otherwise, alcohol usage and diet. Eliminate any unnecessary of the aforementioned items and retest in 6-8 weeks. If it's not under control seek professional help.

As far as taking TUDCA and/or NAC, just be aware if they are simply OTC products you have a high probability of getting very little or none of the actual substance. IMO it's a waste of money and would seek to understand what is causing the levels to increase.
Hi Greendog

These values are based on 1 test. Previous values were normal. I do not drink, take any medications. The only thing I am currently taking and was taking when I had the blood test is MT2.

The study below indicates that Melanocortins (MT2) may have an impact on the liver and values:

Modulatory effects of NDP-MSH in the regenerating liver after partial hepatectomy in rats.

What are yours and peeps thoughts?

There is also this study that suggests that MT2 could impact Liver and Kidney values:
Melanotan II injection resulting in systemic toxicity and rhabdomyolysis.

Drop the MT2 for about 6 weeks and retest. Be sure to fast before the blood work is pulled. A one time result is not enough evidence to conclude much of anything. Good luck.