High SHBG 2 months after PCT


New Member
Got my blood restults CBC and CMP normal
-was on trt for a year after not recovering from a Tren cycle
23 years old
5'11, 190 10%body fat
-ran 2 power pcts since coming off trt, it's been 1 year since my last pin.

My SHBG is normally 19, but since taking SERMS it's been drastically elevated eating up all my free T.
Been 9 weeks since last Torem/Clomid dose and it still hasn't fallen.

TSH 1.18 (.4-4.5)
T3 Free 3.8 (2.3-4.2)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 2 (<9)
IGF 1 180(83-460) Z score (male) -.3(-2-2)
DHT 39 (16-79)
T3 Reverse 18 (8-25)
Iron Total 85 (50-195)
Iron Binding Capacity 286 (250-425)
% saturation 30 (15-60%)
Ferritin 64 (20-345)

Cortisol taken at 8:30 AM 13.5 (4-22)
DHEA Sulfate 181 (85-690)
FSH 6.0 (1.6-8.0)
LH 2.6 (1.5-9.3)
Prolactin 7.4 (2-18)

SHBG 57 H (10-50)

Total T 440 (250-100)
Free T 45.4 (35-155)
Estradiol Ultrasensitive 16 (<29)
Vitamin D, 25-OH 40 (30-100)

So I guess I'll start supplementing Vitamin D3 and DHEA micro, and possibly nettle root. I wish my darn SHBG would come down i don't understand why it's elevated, it has never come down since any PCT I have done after it's elevated from SERMS. Should I try some proviron?
Anywho thoughts on bloods>?
I ran Tren Ace for 10 weeks along side 500mgs Test, without HCG.
Ran Power Pct and waited 3 months after pCt and levels were 300~,
so I went on TRT for a year.
-80mgs cyp , 250 ius hgc 2x week (but I dropped the HCG the last 3 months I was on)
-Ran Power Pct again and wound up with a total T of 460~ which was higher then before I got on TRT, but high SHBG eating up all my Free T.
-Ran 1 more PCT of Torem in December, been off that for 9 weeks.
My Total T has always been around 450-500, that is not really my issue, i've been able to function fine with it. But since taking SERMS my SHBG has been elevated for a year now since the first Power PCT eating up all of my free T. It used to be 19, now it's 57. I believe this is my issue. I sued to have double the Free T I have now..