High test vs low test low tren for mass?

Oh, boy, add in anadrol for the last 4 weeks of that 20 weeker above, and you will blast way past your goal.

Oh, yeah!

Then hold your higher bodyweight for a while. Give your body an opportunity to view the weight as "normal."

Then go on a serious cut for 12-16 weeks. Keep testosterone high until the end. Maybe then substitute in a little tren. Lower the testosterone at the end of the cut. Your fat will already be gone. When the water drops of, you will be amazed at what you see in the mirror.

Maybe pick a contest that far in the future, and it will at least give you a good reason to stick to the diet and do, daily, what needs to be done.

would you cruise while holding that bodyweight before the cut? how long would you maintain that weight?

also curious as to how high you would run test during the cut. 750-1g?

Some legit advice coming from you :)
would you cruise while holding that bodyweight before the cut? how long would you maintain that weight?

also curious as to how high you would run test during the cut. 750-1g?

Some legit advice coming from you :)
Useless during a cut to use that much test, you can cut on 200-300mg of test and not lose muscle unless you are a freak with +60lbs of muscle over your genetic potential and I guess you are not.

You can cut on a minimum dosage of testosterone and retain muscle, when you are at a good bf just put some tren and other dry compound to polish the final result

Of course my suggestion is for a normal person not one that want to compete etc.

Its not very healthy to blast for 20 weeks then cruise and then cut 16 weeks all with high testosterone, your lipids will be wrecked and not only those.
Off topic question, how soon after a large test e injection are estro sides noticed? I don’t plan on doing this btw but just curious what would happen if someone took a massive 500mg dose in a single day. How soon would they notice libido, oily skin and water retention? Possibly the same day?