Forum Etiquette ⚡Vendors read this - restricted forum access ⚡

MESO-Rx Administrator

Staff member
10+ Year Member
20+ Year Member

New Members must decide if their primary reason for joining MESO-Rx is:

(1) to help promote harm reduction and steroid education for the community OR;

(2) to profit commercially from the community.

If your intent involves the latter (at any point for any period of time during your participation on the forum), your status will change and your forum privileges will be restricted.

Vendors will have limited access to the forum. Specifically, vendors will only have access to two subforums -- the Analytical Testing subforum and the Steroid Underground subforum.

Furthermore, all vendors must first submit independent lab testing reports for product(s) they offer in the furtherance of harm reduction prior to posting in the Steroid Underground subforum. This is now a mandatory requirement before posting in the Steroid Underground subforum.

IMPORTANTLY, if you initially joined the forum with the primary intent to help others in the community but have decided that profiting off others is more important, you must close your account and create a new one for this purpose.

Users can not utilize both a Member account and a Vendor account at the same time. Users must choose which type of account is most important to them as participants in the MESO-Rx forum.

Furthermore, all vendors must submit independent lab testing reports for product(s) they offer. This is now a requirement before posting in the Steroid Underground subforum.
what will happen to existing sources who dont have any lab tests? will their threads be closed until they provide some?
The new guidance applies to new vendors. Obviously, many have already posted in the Steroid Underground subforum (and many other subforums) and have effectively been "grandfathered in".

However, I think we should expect (and pressure) everyone to provide lab testing for products given the relative ease and affordability of doing so thanks to services from @janoshik, @LAB4TOX, ChemTox, etc.

If compliance with these demands doesn't happen within a short period of time, the possibility is high that further restrictions will be implemented retroactively without notice.
And if I may...

How refreshing it is to be on a site that leads with the concept of "harm reduction" rather than the term "safe" or "safe methods". Yes I did spend way too much time getting the other site to change their wording from "safe methods" to "safer methods" but it was worth it.

People coming here to learn are getting the correct message/philosophy from the get go. There is no safe with supraphysiologic androgen use (and sometimes even with "physiologic" androgen use). You just try not to make really dumb mistakes and clearly define your goals vs constraints.

Dear Reader, to your health (as that is all we have) and some gainz if you can.

Would be awesome if they weren't so mutually exclusive. How will you construct your optimization/objective function weighting between the tradeoff of Health vs FFMI/low BF? I guess that is what makes all this challenging and fun. If it were easy...

Think of the graphs below with FFMI/low BF (set A) and let's call it health index (set B). How do the circles move with respect to each other as you really try to push hard on FFMI/low BF?


I wonder if Venom monitors his trig/hdl-c ratio? Regular echos and heart surveillance?

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This sounds like a very good policy that should help keep this forum safe for all. So new users should choose their role wisely whether source or member and can't be both.
So in other words if you currently are a member then you want to sell gear, even if it's just your own surplus you then are no longer a member. If you have a stash of personal gear you want to sell, just don't sell it on here.
So in other words if you currently are a member then you want to sell gear, even if it's just your own surplus you then are no longer a member. If you have a stash of personal gear you want to sell, just don't sell it on here.
Maybe a third category.. .

The unfortunate (or fortunate depending on how you think about it) who can't handle gear, barely use androgens anymore (relative to MesoRx member mean weekly intake), but would love to discuss both theory and practice.

The "androgen 'eunuchs' " if you will. Not much conflict of interest??

Bias? Sure.
We are all human... maybe.
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I feel like this should be posted in a section sources can access. Liska just commented he knew there were changes but can’t access them to see what they are lol

Edit: also love to see this! Especially the lab results thing. Such a good thing for users.
I feel like this should be posted in a section sources can access. Liska just commented he knew there were changes but can’t access them to see what they are lol

Edit: also love to see this! Especially the lab results thing. Such a good thing for users.
This post should be reposted in the Underground and Lab Testing sections as well, so sources can comment.
I feel like this should be posted in a section sources can access. Liska just commented he knew there were changes but can’t access them to see what they are lol

Edit: also love to see this! Especially the lab results thing. Such a good thing for users.
Every subforum is accessible.
This post should be reposted in the Underground and Lab Testing sections as well, so sources can comment.
You shouldn't really give a fuck what sources think about it. This isn't for them. It's for everyone else (who is not a source).
Sorry if I came off sounding bad,
There was nothing "harsh" about your post. My comment was merely a reaction to the idea that we should seek out source's input on how to keep them in check.

I know there is a lot of pandering to sources going on at several forums. MESO isn't the place for that. I want everyone to know that no one should be on their knees to placate sources on this forum. Allegiance to sources over the community is strongly discouraged. The driving imperative on this forum is to hold sources accountable.
Would be complete opposite of harm reduction. Bravo Millard.

You are on a noble quest.
I think power has definitely shifted towards the end-users with the availability of affordable lab testing and sites like MESO to hold sources accountable for what's being sold. This approach has done a lot towards minimizing the harm of androgen black markets.
Furthermore, all vendors must first submit independent lab testing reports for product(s) they offer in the furtherance of harm reduction prior to posting in the Steroid Underground subforum. This is now a mandatory requirement before posting in the Steroid Underground subforum.
This is fucking awesome. @Millard appreciate you making this mandatory now.
Meso is certainly not the Wild West it used to be with these changes. When I first joined in 2010 it was pretty much a free for all...
should the independent lab testing be posted to the lab testing forum before hand or is there a process to submit to admins privately?
It should be posted here (without any promotional copy whatsoever):

Bit late to making a contribution to this thread due to life-stuff getting in the way of forum presence for a few months, but wanted to say I’m chuffed-to-fuck to see this long overdue policy change. Definite thumbs up from me.

That said @Millard

What’s your thoughts on allowing Subscribers the ability to post in the Homebrew forum?

In the past a small number of Subscribers contributed ad hoc in there & helped out homebrewers with the benefit of their experience. This practice had unfortunately died out before Subscribers had forum restrictions placed upon them.

TBH I don’t envisage any of current Subscribers rushing to make the effort to help out in Homebrew if they were given access again (most have had plenty of opportunity to do so in the past, yet never bothered & several have previously totally ignored member requests for their specific input through being tagged). But I for one would still welcome the return of their (& future Subscribers) ability to do so - for many of us, homebrewing is more about harm-reduction through better controlling what we put into our bodies than simply saving money & input from highly experienced brewers can at times be invaluable to us …. If they can be arsed to help out!

Anyway, your thoughts?