Higher volume w/ lower concentration = less PIP


I run high doses but the PIP can become an issue. I was wondering - if I cut my concentration in half but double my injection volume - would that reduce PIp? I can see the logic going both ways, since the total drug is the same either way. So for you guys who have actually experimented with high volumes of lower concentration gear, does it reduce PIP, or is the primary thing really just total drug (regardless of volume/concentration)?
When you use higher dosed gear, there is more drug comming free in the same amount of time due to the differenct in concentration at injection depot and the surrounding tissue. So with a higher concentration you are getting a lot of drug in a small environment which can cause pain.
For me higher oil volume is better than higher concentration and you can always split injection
I run high doses but the PIP can become an issue. I was wondering - if I cut my concentration in half but double my injection volume - would that reduce PIp? I can see the logic going both ways, since the total drug is the same either way. So for you guys who have actually experimented with high volumes of lower concentration gear, does it reduce PIP, or is the primary thing really just total drug (regardless of volume/concentration)?
Test E at 250mg/ml gives me crazy PIP at times. When I dilute it down to 200mg/ml it's painless. Every single injection. Painless.

Higher oil volume per injection can cause "pip" in virgin muscle, but in my experience that goes away after a few injections. High concentrated gear always tears me up PIP wise.
Every compound has a cutoff point for concentration over which some individuals start getting pip. That is why pharma usually runs lower concentrations.
Test cyp is fine for most people at 250 and even fine at 300 for some people... But at 200 its fine for all people....reducing to half the concentration will not yield anything .

But yeah as a general rule lower concentration= less pip all other things being equal.