Highest Testosterone Undecanoate?

Sup wondering what's the highest Testosterone Undecanoate concentration people
have gotten?

Thinking of switching.
did 350 in castor.

I contemplated doing 400 but I am always afraid of ramifications of using too little oil in 400mg/ml

IDK if Narta has any thoughts if 10% of injectable was actually oil.

I dont know if there is any true downside
did 350 in castor.

I contemplated doing 400 but I am always afraid of ramifications of using too little oil in 400mg/ml

IDK if Narta has any thoughts if 10% of injectable was actually oil.

I dont know if there is any true downside
Thanks bro

350 is alot better than 200. And 400? What a dream that would be
I got test d to 500 with 1.5/20. Went mighty smooth kind of like making test E at 400 so I would venture a guess to say test d at 600 might be attainable. I have heard test u is about the same solubility from a couple of friends but I have no first hand exp.

I did mine with GSO castor is a bitch and needs a ton of BB