

New Member
I was hoping somebody here could help me. My wife has some unused fertility meds. We've got a ton of Repronex/Pergonal left. This is an HMG. It's a FSH/LH. It's more than HCG which is just LH. I was hoping to use this during and after cycle to get my T levels back up. Any thoughts?

Well Cronk, that sounds like it may work. It certainly is a LH like HCG. This will be important to help jumpstart your testes to produce a more normal amount of Test. The HMG that you speak of also contains FSH which probably has no benificial effects on post cycle recovery. It doesn't sound like it could hurt that process either. I believe that HMG and HCG are used in conjunction with each other to increase sperm count in males. Who couldn't use a Ron Jeremy sized load? But this all seems to have a price. Meaning that, the HMG that you speak of contains 15iu of LH and 15iu of FSH per vial. This would take 25 to 50 vials daily to obtain a dose suited for this purpose. Cost wise, it's just not practical. If the meds that you possess will go to waste anyway, I say "go for it bro".