How are you taking Aromasin


New Member
Never used it but will this time around haven’t run a cycle in 10ish years. Use to use adex or letro if I felt sides coming on and took it until they disappeared. Then rinse and repeat.

For aromasin I see people saying take it eod or e3d but I find that over kill. Is this something I can pop once at 12.5mg when I feel sides coming on like sore nips and I’m good for the time being, or pop one and then take eod until I’m good, or is it maybe best to run it once a week or so during cycle length. I have nolva on hand always - Sometimes Hcg will get my nips burning. Planning on 500mg of test 12-14 weeks and Dbol for 6 of those weeks. Running trt for last 10 years.
Tbh you should take as much as you need to put your estrogen in your desired number range where you don’t have high or low e2 side effects. Will vary from person to person. Without blood work you’re just pissing in the wind. Lol. If you wanna dose it once and then wait until you have another flare up, go for it. Is it ideal. Probably not
Tbh you should take as much as you need to put your estrogen in your desired number range where you don’t have high or low e2 side effects. Will vary from person to person. Without blood work you’re just pissing in the wind. Lol. If you wanna dose it once and then wait until you have another flare up, go for it. Is it ideal. Probably not

Probably going to be 4 weeks in to get my first bloodwork by that point I’m not trying to have shot my e2 taking eod. Then wait another 4 weeks for blood results seeing it’s no better taking it once every week and so on and so forth. I know everyone’s different but I’d assume there’s a recommended keep it safe dosing
Bieng on TRT for 10 years don’t you have bloodwork? With your bloodwork you should be able to estimate at least your test/E2 ratio and make an educated guess to your new E2 level with 500mg a week.

As far as experience I used aromasin E3d 12.5 mg when I was running 350mg test but I also have an E2 of 130 without aromasin on that dose, (I’m a way high aromitizer for some reason). Basically 12.5 e3d knocked me down to 50e2. This was on peak bulk though so I was like 16%bf.

Now I’ve been cutting on 175mg test and I’m down to 12% and working down to 10%bf I’m waiting for new bloods but I’m taking 6.25mg aromasin every 5 days, unfortunately going off feels until my test come back. I expect I can stop aromasin once I hit 10% as my aromitization rate will be even lower at that point than it is now.

I don’t know if any of the above helps you as AI doses are so varied. Going by feels is done by many but you never really know what’s actually going on. Some just say take aromasin 12.5 e3d and I guess that works for them though.
Bieng on TRT for 10 years don’t you have bloodwork? With your bloodwork you should be able to estimate at least your test/E2 ratio and make an educated guess to your new E2 level with 500mg a week.

As far as experience I used aromasin E3d 12.5 mg when I was running 350mg test but I also have an E2 of 130 without aromasin on that dose, (I’m a way high aromitizer for some reason). Basically 12.5 e3d knocked me down to 50e2. This was on peak bulk though so I was like 16%bf.

Now I’ve been cutting on 175mg test and I’m down to 12% and working down to 10%bf I’m waiting for new bloods but I’m taking 6.25mg aromasin every 5 days, unfortunately going off feels until my test come back. I expect I can stop aromasin once I hit 10% as my aromitization rate will be even lower at that point than it is now.

I don’t know if any of the above helps you as AI doses are so varied. Going by feels is done by many but you never really know what’s actually going on. Some just say take aromasin 12.5 e3d and I guess that works for them though.

Sure but trying to calculate my estrogen from 140 to 500 by using mathematical ratio I don’t think is a good method. I usually hover around 10-15 mark on trt at 140mg. That means I’d top out at 40-50 E2 at 500 and that’s pretty low. Which I prob wouldn’t need much aromasin. I highly doubt I can calculate accurately with HCG and Dbol thrown in the mix. My new doc doesn’t allow me too take Hcg but I do it anyway here and there… nor has he tested E2 in 1 year (didn’t really check the tests until putting my cycle together) which I will be requesting the lab on my upcoming test I have prior to blast. Hcg can really get my nips burning.

Anyway as you said a lot of people go by feels so maybe that is just what I will do until new testing on blast and prop take once a week.


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You mentioned your DR won’t let you take HCG can you elaborate on that? I have seen HCG endorsed as an alternative to TRT by the American urologist association and numerous studies listing no long term adverse affects but I’m assuming your dr has some white papers or you have some unique condition that makes it non viable?

In regards to the feels dosing, I think everyone has to do it at some point in between bloodwork. The different schools of thought are “treat e2 the second you have sensitive nipples” or “wait for bloodwork confirmation” I’ve seen many an argument over this with crashed e2 as one outcome with over treatment or Gyno, water retention, ED, with under treatment. Everyone just seems to pick their chosen path. On a positive note aromasin seems more gentle than armidex and I’ve never crashed e2 when I decided to go the feels route while waiting for bloods but I also took the least amount necessary to alleviate symptoms, your own mileage may vary.
You mentioned your DR won’t let you take HCG can you elaborate on that? I have seen HCG endorsed as an alternative to TRT by the American urologist association and numerous studies listing no long term adverse affects but I’m assuming your dr has some white papers or you have some unique condition that makes it non viable?

In regards to the feels dosing, I think everyone has to do it at some point in between bloodwork. The different schools of thought are “treat e2 the second you have sensitive nipples” or “wait for bloodwork confirmation” I’ve seen many an argument over this with crashed e2 as one outcome with over treatment or Gyno, water retention, ED, with under treatment. Everyone just seems to pick their chosen path. On a positive note aromasin seems more gentle than armidex and I’ve never crashed e2 when I decided to go the feels route while waiting for bloods but I also took the least amount necessary to alleviate symptoms, your own mileage may vary.
Yea, so this doc is a pain in the arse. I had to switch since I moved states. My previous doc wanted my levels at 700-800 baseline after 7 days of inject and wanted 250 Hcg 3 times a week. He wanted me in the 1200 range. He was great. Monitored all the proper vitals and actually looked at E2. Basically I follow his advice still and try to keep his baseline he set for me for 7 years.

Fast forward I told my new doc my dosing and told him about Hcg. He has tried to lower my dose quite often and for some reason just flat out refuses Hcg and shuts the convo down. It has nothing to do with me but more so his beliefs. He doesn’t prescribe it to anyone. He wants me at levels of 500 at peak which is stupid low. I purposely now take 200mg for past year and take my labs at 10 days out from inject to get my levels to his low standard. I haven’t really been using Hcg since going to him. Although I just restocked myself. My old doc would give me it. I once showed a test above 1000 Ng/dl and he almost kicked me out of his practice. He is a real urologist like my previous doc and I’m not using these sketch men’s clinics. I’m going to look for a new doc in the future but not in a rush as I get what I need from them prescription wise and monitoring my health.

Nobody is worse then the first urologist I went to for a month who wanted 100mg every 2 weeks. Just differing opinions, but I’ll trust the doc that has his practice set up around trt and is known in the space as one of better ones.
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