How cut on tren?


New Member
Hi guys im current on this cycle
500 test e week
50 tren a ed
50 win ed
0.5 Arimidex eod

I have a coach and he tell me to follow this line with the macros
Day 1
100 gr carbs
120gr pro
50 fat

Day 2
150 gr carbs
120gr pro
50gr fat

Day 3
200gr carbs
120gr pro
50gr fat

And then all over again

5 wo pro week
No cardio, my job it's already a good cardio ahahah

My weight it's 92kg x 178cm

It's not my first cycle, but it's the first with tren and despite being in a calorie deficit I notice good gains and good fat loss, but I feel like I could make better use of this substance, any advice? .. I'm thinking about dumping my coach honestly.
Hi guys im current on this cycle
500 test e week
50 tren a ed
50 win ed
0.5 Arimidex eod

I have a coach and he tell me to follow this line with the macros
Day 1
100 gr carbs
120gr pro
50 fat

Day 2
150 gr carbs
120gr pro
50gr fat

Day 3
200gr carbs
120gr pro
50gr fat

And then all over again

5 wo pro week
No cardio, my job it's already a good cardio ahahah

My weight it's 92kg x 178cm

It's not my first cycle, but it's the first with tren and despite being in a calorie deficit I notice good gains and good fat loss, but I feel like I could make better use of this substance, any advice? .. I'm thinking about dumping my coach honestly.
I'm normally one to say listen to your coach, he's who you're paying. But this is one of the rare occasions I'm gonna say otherwise

Dump that coach immediately.

That diet plan is entirely idiotic in macros, distribution, and scheduling.

120g of protein for a 200lb male.
1300-1700 daily cals with no time or reason between high and low days.

Dude doesn't know what he's doing
listen to your coach and discuss this with him.

do you have any questions?
Yes, I feel that I could get more if I increased the proteins to at least 1gr per lbs for cutting 50 fats are ok and at least 150 carbs, I would like to take some Clenbuterol or t3 to burn fat faster also because during the bulk I have a a little exaggerated...

I weight 92kg x 178cm
Here one photo of my body
I'm normally one to say listen to your coach, he's who you're paying. But this is one of the rare occasions I'm gonna say otherwise

Dump that coach immediately.

That diet plan is entirely idiotic in macros, distribution, and scheduling.

120g of protein for a 200lb male.
1300-1700 daily cals with no time or reason between high and low days.

Dude doesn't know what he's doing
How much kcal i have to eat for you and How to split macros? I would like to clean up a bit for the next bulk... Thanks for all guys
How much kcal i have to eat for you and How to split macros? I would like to clean up a bit for the next bulk... Thanks for all guys
It's impossible for me to say because I didn't do your plan or programming before.
I generally start most people at 1/2/.3 p/c/f per pound of bodyweight.

Knowing absolutely nothing about your maintenance calories, your expenditure, or your food response I would say the macros above are far too aggressive.

I would start you at something like 200p 300c 50f and then scale things from there depending on how things were progressing.
Maybe look into high/low day or training/off day carb cycling depending on how training was going
It's impossible for me to say because I didn't do your plan or programming before.
I generally start most people at 1/2/.3 p/c/f per pound of bodyweight.

Knowing absolutely nothing about your maintenance calories, your expenditure, or your food response I would say the macros above are far too aggressive.

I would start you at something like 200p 300c 50f and then scale things from there depending on how things were progressing.
Maybe look into high/low day or training/off day carb cycling depending on how training was going
I will try so and then I'll update you
On rest day 150-200gr carbs will work good?
And adding some clen or t3 it's a good idea?
Sorry for so much questions ahahah
Thanks @BigTomJ
Yes, I feel that I could get more if I increased the proteins to at least 1gr per lbs for cutting 50 fats are ok and at least 150 carbs, I would like to take some Clenbuterol or t3 to burn fat faster also because during the bulk I have a a little exaggerated...

I weight 92kg x 178cm
Here one photo of my body

i agree with TomJ, these calories/macros make no sense for someone with your stats, and the low/mid/high days.. lol.

Without more context, i wouldnt add any fatburners yet.
I will try so and then I'll update you
On rest day 150-200gr carbs will work good?
And adding some clen or t3 it's a good idea?
Sorry for so much questions ahahah
Thanks @BigTomJ
Rest day carbs, yes.
Clen and t3, nah. Save that for later, or never really.

Ask away, you're receptive, that already puts you miles ahead of most of the jokers that ask questions here just looking for validation.
Arimidex EOD is terrible, take it 24hrs after each test IM, don't just blast it, take what you need my guess is you could use 0.25. 24 hours after each 250mg IM of test. Get blood work to see what you need. PS that diet is shit.

What are your goals.....tell us way more.
Arimidex EOD is terrible, take it 24hrs after each test IM, don't just blast it, take what you need my guess is you could use 0.25. 24 hours after each 250mg IM of test. Get blood work to see what you need. PS that diet is shit.

What are your goals.....tell us way more.
My goals are 83-85kg at 10-11% bf, so can i bulk with more liberty on November.
I know about my diet, i fired that idiot
Now im on 2000kcal
200gr pro day off 250gr day on
150gr carbs day off 200 day on
50gr fat day on and off
It don't think it's so bad
Now im on 2000kcal
200gr pro day off 250gr day on
150gr carbs day off 200 day on
50gr fat day on and off
It don't think it's so bad

Tbh I think the off/on days, switching diet, is minutiae.

Seasonal calorie/macro cycles (bulk/cut, pre-competition, etc.) make more sense.

If you have the time and patience to tinker with macro's on your on and off days, cool. I don't think it makes much difference on a weekly/monthly scale.