How do I shape chest/do I have torn pec


Whats up bro? So my chest routine feels pretty strenuous and I often hit doubles on chest day am/pm. My chest is growing for my size most assuredly but the shape feels off. Planet fitness pic is more recent.

Chest routine
Chest press machine 150-160 3x10
Incline Dumbbell press 60 3x10
Flat bench press 140-150 3x10 might ass out on last one
Cable chest pull-downs as much as possible
Cable chest pull ups
Chest fly machine 130 3x10
lift as heavy as I can on 3 or 4 of these same work outs usually 3x6or8

Any ideas? Also wondering if that striation in my pec is a tear?


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There's no torn pecs here. But there's most certainly no need for two a days on chest. You need more time with a solid diet, smart and intense training, and educated gear use if you're using AAS, not two a day training.
There's no torn pecs here. But there's most certainly no need for two a days on chest. You need more time with a solid diet, smart and intense training, and educated gear use if you're using AAS, not two a day training.
I keep track of calories and macros pretty obsessively. 3500-4200 and 180 G protein a day for little over 90 days brought my weight up 15-18lbs depending on water weight I guess. When I hit 191, I decided to do a slight cut to modify my diet and get carbs down. Bringing myself back down to 180 and then planning to run first cycle of Test E on a 3-4 month clean bulk.
I do feel like I have plateaued a little bit over past 3 weeks and I am anxious to start cycle but trying to gather all supplies and not get scammed.
I keep track of calories and macros pretty obsessively. 3500-4200 and 180 G protein a day for little over 90 days brought my weight up 15-18lbs depending on water weight I guess. When I hit 191, I decided to do a slight cut to modify my diet and get carbs down. Bringing myself back down to 180 and then planning to run first cycle of Test E on a 3-4 month clean bulk.
I do feel like I have plateaued a little bit over past 3 weeks and I am anxious to start cycle but trying to gather all supplies and not get scammed.
So the 2 a days on chest and arms too much?