how do sources get busted?


New Member
How on earth can LP link a package to a person and lab, and if a package is all it takes then why dont they come here, order, receive a package and then thats all the info they need?
Return packages or ordering themselves, then checking which post offices it was send from. Depending on the severity, the post office will be under surveillance 24/7 and a police guy will sit in that post office and open every single letter/package.

That's how it was most probably with Catcafe in Germany. The Germans always do it like that, even if it's just a mail letter into a mail drop box, they will set up 24/7 surveillance on that box and checking every letter which was put in.

And there are other options, like getting the shipment once it enters the EU/US and track it. Or following the payment and get lucky if the guy did a mistake.
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If I had to guess I would assume the money throws red flags as well.. it's alot of money to wash.. in my state you get RICO charges and organized crime once there's more then 3 people involved and a few other reasons . A decent sized brand is taking huge risks..
Return packages or ordering themselves, then checking which post offices it was send from. Depending on the severity, the post office will be under surveillance 24/7 and a police guy will sit in that post office and open every single letter/package.

That's how it was most probably with Catcafe in Germany. The Germans always do it like that, even if it's just a mail letter into a mail drop box, they will set up 24/7 surveillance on that box and checking every letter which was put in.

And there are other options, like getting the shipment once it enters the EU/US and track it. Or following the payment and get lucky if the guy did a mistake.
Cat Cafe will be missed. Aren't warrants needed for that in the US?
Cat Cafe will be missed. Aren't warrants needed for that in the US?

I don't know but Germany doesn't have "Fruit of the poisonous tree", all evidence is admissible and there are possibilities in the US which are illegal in Germany (for example German authorities may not run their own fake steroid/drug selling business) but German authorities can still use it if given by an authority from another country.
Cat Cafe will be missed. Aren't warrants needed for that in the US?
in the US it has this thing called Snitches because most people soft af! want to do crimes and do illegal shit then fold like piece of fucking paper. The worse thing about it is when they are ex con or felons people who have done time and come out SNITCHING. and they justify it as some righteous bible thumping bullshit. BUt what it really is, is the fact they got soft and realized they can't do time anymore.
First the government needs to think the amount of drugs seized will be worth the time and effort. For them to start the process. Now if a sender or delivery method gets screwed up say a package breaks open or some other such thing then it may be brought to their attention at which point they decide if it is worth perusing. Governments do not have the time, money or ambition to chase down every illegal activity they hear about.
probably aomething like this: place order, find the po it was dropped at, send a guy to survey it and do backround checks on frequenters and then pop them
probably aomething like this: place order, find the po it was dropped at, send a guy to survey it and do backround checks on frequenters and then pop them

Nah. Most sources are smart enough to drop packs at random POs in a wide area. Larger ones that have been busted have a small army of "runners" that do this.
First the government needs to think the amount of drugs seized will be worth the time and effort. For them to start the process. Now if a sender or delivery method gets screwed up say a package breaks open or some other such thing then it may be brought to their attention at which point they decide if it is worth perusing. Governments do not have the time, money or ambition to chase down every illegal activity they hear about.

There's very little motivation to prosecute steroid cases, and when they are pursued, the penalties are so light is dissuades the authorities from expending effort and resources in the future. It's just not the kind of substance abuse that harms the community in any significant way.

In these discussions, for perspective, I have to keep pointing out that CBP sends seizure letters and does nothing else for personal use amounts of gear, and even bags of raws. Here they have the evidence, the address of the recipient, essentially "probable cause" on a silver platter, and choose to look the other way thousands of times a year. Clearly that's a conscious policy decision.

Now try that with 25 adderall tablets. Or a few grams of cocaine. It won't be a "love letter" showing up at your door.

The only time I've seen LE mobilized for small amounts is when steroids leak, one thing leads to another, and a Postal Inspector takes the opportunity to chase something new and exciting compared to his usual duties. Even then it always ends up being a nothing burger.
probably aomething like this: place order, find the po it was dropped at, send a guy to survey it and do backround checks on frequenters and then pop them
Basically this, when it gets to that point. But they probably more often come under the scrutiny of tax authorities or LE for lavish lifestyles, unexplained income, arrest, pissing off an ex, etc. Then the net widens, and the physical investigation begins.
Basically this, when it gets to that point. But they probably more often come under the scrutiny of tax authorities or LE for lavish lifestyles, unexplained income, pissing off an ex, etc. Then the net widens, and the physical investigation begins.

When you dig into the court documents, a surprising amount are "visited" once or more by the authorities for a "knock and talk", and usually keep doing business, not taking the hint it might be time to retire.
It is pretty easy to get busted which is why most get caught in less than 2 years. I mean Customs finds steroid raw powders in a mail package in customs from China. Then you are under investigation. It's just a matter of time. Let it be on your 7th package they find it or 1,000th. The article on purple panda says they did just that. I think it was 1.5 kilo seized before the investigation began.

There are hundreds of ways people can get caught. For time sakes this is just one way. I mean we live in a world of technology.
Nah. Most sources are smart enough to drop packs at random POs in a wide area. Larger ones that have been busted have a small army of "runners" that do this.

More people in, the bigger the chances they will speak or do something stupid. I can't imagine the people who drop off fake packages. Junkies or what? I might miss something, so feel free to educate me.

I think its the end of the day mostly the question: are XYZ big enough for them to justify a deep investigation?
More people in, the bigger the chances they will speak or do something stupid. I can't imagine the people who drop off fake packages. Junkies or what? I might miss something, so feel free to educate me.

I think its the end of the day mostly the question: are XYZ big enough for them to justify a deep investigation?

It's almost always someone who talks. Read about the Purple Panda investigation in Tennesee, it started with "information received" about the large steroid import, manufacturing, retailing operation. and the raws seized was just a piece of evidence they used to build their picture of the organization.

The problem with crime "partners" or "employees" is any one of them will spill the beans to get out of a DUI or minor drug possession charge.
It is pretty easy to get busted which is why most get caught in less than 2 years. I mean Customs finds steroid raw powders in a mail package in customs from China. Then you are under investigation. It's just a matter of time. Let it be on your 7th package they find it or 1,000th. The article on purple panda says they did just that. I think it was 1.5 kilo seized before the investigation began.

There are hundreds of ways people can get caught. For time sakes this is just one way. I mean we live in a world of technology.
Lots of prohibited shit is coming from China as well as almost all the raws.

So if a package is bigger than X kilos and it contains powder or something that is obviously there to fool xrays you open them (as a customs officer). And Xray scanners are very very smart nowdays so they can even see through multiple layers, aka if its hidden inside something. Can't see in? insta flag.

I think lots of the times they don't hunt for the exact raw steroids, but more so when they detect it under the xray that its either powder or something blocking xray. But at that point its Schrödinger's powder: it might be just creatine, can be steroid raws or even some very potent designer drugs.

so they have to open it, and once they open and test it and find it's raw steroids they cannot make it unseen, they need to launch an investigation.

Obviously you can run lucky and have all your packages run thru smoothly without seeing a smart xray scanner. Sooner or later it will.

I think it might be a good idea for the sources to try to find raw sources that are quality but not coming from China. If it exists (not my concern)


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