how do sources get busted?

I said there's little motivation to pursue steroid cases, period.

If there were, CBP confiscated bags of raws would spark an investigation, and a controlled delivery, because possession would allow for an immediate warrantless search for a lab. Low hanging fruit. An easy score. It's clearly a sign of "manufacturing" (though we know plenty of home brewers acquire amounts that large for long term use ofc).

Yet we know that doesn't happen, at least not for quite some time. That says a lot about their priorities regarding "sources".

I was simply taking the clear low prioritization of sources to its logical extension. That is, if they don't care to pursue sources using evidence of labs dumped in their laps, they sure as hell aren't hunting *users* and their few dozen vials.

Can this change on a dime? Definately. I'm certain it will, only the timing is in question. It sure *feels* like the stars are aligning to make that happen, even if only collateral damage in the pursuit of fentanyl and untaxed Chinese goods flooding the country.

Get while the getting's good, it's not going to last forever.
While they may not be pursuing cases in court. From my experience they often track things for years before going on one of their sprees.
Hasn’t one of well respected sources here been around for over decade? He says he works solo too. This may be one of the key factors for his long career here.

I’m not very tech knowledgeable. However, in addition to the physical investigation LE gathers. There has to be some sorta digital footprint, that less knowledge sources leave that is used to track them down?