How do you react when called out being on steroids by strangers?

Worst thing is you mostly been called out by below average natties who think gear is why they're not like you when this is not the case. I hate those guys.. Basically when i tell to most people i haven't skipped gym for the last 20 years with the exception of the first lockdown, conversation is being seized.

If there's anyone i don't talk to or know personally, i just avoid him and his weird questions-assumptions.
Smile and nod, walk away. I am 290+ at 6 foot 4, 250ish contest time. People say stupid stuff, it bothered me when I was young. Now in my forties, I just smile . It gets their goat!!!
Just tell them you love drugs and do as many as you can get your hands on multiple times a day.

Anybody “calling you out” is not somebody you should give two shits about and is probably fairly dumb when it comes to these types of things.

So, the only right answer is make it so outlandish they have their very simple dumb mind blown.
Most people are pretty stupid and believe a physique like arnold in his prime could be achieved naturally. Unless you are ifbb pro size you can just say you've been training for 10-15 years naturally and 99.9% of people will believe it or the good ol just trt excuse. Also it takes a special kind of person to randomly call someone out like that I’d just walk away personally
I've had coworkers ask me if I take steroids but I just laugh or say yes. If they think I'm joking or they think I'm serious, it doesn't matter to me. I would never get fired for that and I really don't feel the need to defend myself against something so unimportant and petty.

As far as everyone else....I'm not really sure who would be "calling me out", Most adults mind their own business. I don't have strangers approaching me making accusations. I would think only teenagers would do that.
Most adults mind their own business. I don't have strangers approaching me making accusations. I would think only teenagers would do that.

I was eating with a friend at an outdoor pool, a group of foreigner dyels sitting around us and talking in their language. Then someone was like "haha, steroids, haha"

I tried to ignore it, but after he said it again and me being on tren i couldn't resist to make some comment about their background, they heard it, looked at me shocked and got quiet.

In handsight retarded to even react to it, but i just didn't expect some dyels being so salty