how does ephedrine help HPTA recovery?


New Member
Bill Roberts feels ephedrine is benefical during pct.
assuming proper pct(clomid/nolvo) is used how would adding ephedrine a CNS stimulant aid in the recovery of the HPTA?
Bill Roberts has this fascination with keeping "energy" levels up while on PCT. This fascination is the base for his suggestions about adding Dbol to PCT as well. Entirely counter productive, but because it keeps "energy" and strength up, its worth it to him.
I haven't read what you are asking about, but I would bet that he never specifically links ephedra to the HPTA... it probably would fall under his "energy" philosophy.
quote Bill Roberts:-

"Ephedrine/clenbuterol: It is possible that the beta agonist activities of these drugs may assist in recovery. Personally, I do recommend the use of ephedrine post-cycle to those who can use it. Clenbuterol has the same effect but acts around the clock, having a longer half life, and allowing a higher effective dose (amount times potency) due to having less relative effect on beta receptors in the heart. I am not sure that clenbuterol has any better effect with regard to recovery though.

Lastly, ephedrine seems to be of some help. The same dose as used for dieting (e.g. 25 mg three times per day) seems quite sufficient."
I dont buy it. Its probably good to use it for your workouts going through your recovery, but i dont htink itll help you recover any faster.