How long can we depend on china?

Don't want this to turn into a discussion with you know who but select raws are currently more prone to degradation/ill-suited for long time storage which should be fixed in a couple of months. Easy to miss when looking at test results of fresh raws only, which are likely all you'll see posted in public.

Thanks @Liska , do you happen to know if Test Cyp falls into this category?
After reading this topic one more time I realized that Connor is missing to put his output on future of China raws
Jesus Fucking Christ …. Sssshhh, he might hear you & then you’ll be sorry!

Seriously though, I think he was just a troll. Probably the greatest troll we’ve ever had, but a troll nevertheless.
I’m going to guess that it’s the nature of the residual solvents,catalysts and or reactants that are left over from the raw chemical manufacturing process. I’m not an organic chemist but based on my research, I suspect that’s the only way this could happen. Perhaps higher grade solvents used in the manufacturing process are currently unavailable. Perhaps, who really knows.
Overlooked this very good post containing the answer to the question.
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Overlooked this very good post containing the answer to the question.
Thank you for the confirmation. I did a lot of research to come up with that explanation.

I was surprised no one else dug into the pharmacology journals a bit.
So I'm not the only one to experience old Tren ace turning cloudy when it cooled down. Did you end up using it ? @silntrunin
No i havent. Its been sitting for a while and it seems a little clearer. There is a layer particles (for lack of a better term) on the bottom of the media bottle so im gonna pull it out with a syringe and try not to stir it up and filter it cold and hope for the best.
I'll keep the thread posted on results.
Here's an update on the coudy Tren A.

I pulled it out of the media bottle with a 60ml syringe and 18ga pin.

Trying to disturb the sentiment on the bottom as little as possible. Refiltered it at room temp and so far an hour later and its still crystal clear.
I dont expect it to cloud up since i didnt heat it up at all.

Just wanted to give you guys an update.


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My guess would be no. Have stored Test cyp as long as Tren A and cyp came out fine while the Tren clouded up after it cooled off.
I'd like to ask you a few questions

How old was the tren A raw?
What's the oldest cyp you've brewed with?
What kinda conditions did you store?
What was the avg ambient temperature in the storage place?

Here's an update on the coudy Tren A.

I pulled it out of the media bottle with a 60ml syringe and 18ga pin.

Trying to disturb the sentiment on the bottom as little as possible. Refiltered it at room temp and so far an hour later and its still crystal clear.
I dont expect it to cloud up since i didnt heat it up at all.

Just wanted to give you guys an update.
Have you started using the tren A?
How's it, any PIP?
How efficacious is it?

Overlooked this very good post containing the answer to the question.
Question: Assuming that I vacuum seal my raws in 7mil mylar bags with oxygen absorbers and silica gel dissicant packets, and then put them in a chest freezer at -10C, what kind of practical lifespan would I get? What is the mechanism for degradation, and is it going to degrade significantly even without oxygen, light (specifically UV) and heat?
I'm also assuming that I'm going to have to repackage my raws every 5 years or so; mylar is not entirely impermeable, just very, very slow.

Also, do not try and vacuum seal sugar for your long-term preps without dessicants and oxygen absorbers; trust me on this.
Hi I am from china, since the end of 2022 they have been cracking down the sale of hormone powders, especially estradiol after a minor was able to purchase it online and transition, they banned all injectables, anti androgens, estrogens and other "high risk medication" from sale online. As for raws I pay a crapton from a lab supplier thats somewhat legit and has been pretty stable so far. Its just not cheap i guess?
Hi I am from china, since the end of 2022 they have been cracking down the sale of hormone powders, especially estradiol after a minor was able to purchase it online and transition, they banned all injectables, anti androgens, estrogens and other "high risk medication" from sale online. As for raws I pay a crapton from a lab supplier thats somewhat legit and has been pretty stable so far. Its just not cheap i guess?
The chinese sources on the forum and on made in china don't send it to you domestic?